Hunting in Canada
Why Canada

Magnificent scenery
Canada contains within its borders some of the wildest country and most magnificent scenery the world has to offe

Variety of unique species
Canada is home to 25 of North America’s 30 big-game species

Highly professional guiding
Canada’s outfitting industry is highly professional and committed to the responsible, sustainable, and ethical use of the country’s wildlife resources
About hunting in Canada
With more than two dozen huntable big game species and an astounding array of waterfowl, small game, and birds across a broad range of habitats, Canada is a hunter’s dream. From forests to tundra, from open prairies to vast boreal forests and the stunning Canadian Rockies, Canada has something for every hunter. This sparsely populated country puts great emphasis on protecting its natural resources and provides fair-chase opportunities to pursue magnificent big-game species that pique the interest of hunters from all over the world.
Hunting trips to Canada are filled with beauty and splendor and offer even experienced hunters an exceptional challenge and unforgettable experience. What makes hunting in Canada unique is its rich variety of game: grizzly and black bears, moose, five varieties of caribou, cougar, lynx, Canadian wolf, bighorn sheep, Stone sheep, Dall sheep, elk, black-tailed, white-tailed, and mule deer. If you are looking for a challenge that will leave you with a lifetime of memories, Canada is the perfect destination.