Leave The Tracking To The Pros.
By: Laura Scharich Dave and I were heading back to a favorite bear hunting camp for my third bear hunt.…
Wild Game Dynasty

Contemplating deer hunting memories about fine times, some of which even include fantastic misses, too
By: Tom Lounsbury. The older I get; the more time seems to fly because it doesn’t seem like it was…
Tom Lounsbury

What happened when I stopped baiting deer?
I stopped shooting 4 & 6 point bucks & started shooting 8 & 10 point bucks. I also started seeing…
Jim Kushner

Scout Smart For Early Season Opportunities
By: John Eberhart. I don’t get it? There were several deer coming out into the soybean field every evening like…
John Eberhart

Bow Season! …it is finally here.
The first day of October represents the start of Michigan’s archery deer season, and it is a long-awaited timeframe for…
Tom Lounsbury

Is Michigan’s Bear Season Poised For Change?
As a avid bear hunter since the 1980s (mostly over bait and a property owner of 100 acres in the…