2023 And Me: A Year to Remember

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Spring Fling

Author: Rodd Little. Anyone who hunts or fishes has years where everything he does falls right into place, while other years it seems like no matter what you do nothing goes right.  In 50 years of hunting I have never had a year like 2023.   It started during the spring turkey season with my 9 year old grandson Connor.  I took Connor on my property in northern Bay County on opening day of the 2023 turkey season to a portable (tent) blind in a Grandpa Ray’s clover plot I had frost seeded in March.  I … Read More

Frost Seeding Your Food Plots

Wild Game DynastyConservation & Wildlife Management, Product Guides and DIY Projects

     By: Tony Polk, owner of The Food Plot Shop.      Frost seeding is a method of planting a food plot that more food plotters should consider. Frost seeding is the act of broadcasting seeds on the soil surface without disturbing the soil with any tools. In Michigan this is typically done in Mid-February until late March. It is best to broadcast seeds early in the morning so as the temperature rises throughout the day the soil will “Heave” and the seeds will move into a position of better soil contact. The expansion … Read More

A Coastie turned Huntress

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

By:  Nicole Foguth. It was October 1, opening day of bow season in the Keweenaw Peninsula. Unseasonably hot, I sat in my tree stand, bow in hand, batting away the gnats that were flying around my face. I had never dealt with bugs before while hunting, and let me tell you, I was annoyed.  I should state now that I didn’t grow up hunting. Born and raised in small-town Colorado, mucking horse stalls and playing with chickens was what I knew. I had shot a gun a few times, but only every few years when … Read More

It’s Always An Adventure In Michigan’s U.P.

Wild Game DynastyConservation & Wildlife Management, Friends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

By:  Ryan Foguth. Being born and raised in Michigan, I grew up hunting, fishing and trapping and was blessed with my dad building a cabin in the eastern Upper Peninsula In 1999. I spent large chunks of my childhood at that cabin, hunting and trapping until I joined the Coast Guard in 2011.    When I met my wife Nicole, who was also active duty Coast Guard, while stationed at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, she had never hunted before. With it being one of my life’s greatest passions, she didn’t have much of a … Read More

Your Wild Game Harvest Pairs Well

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO, Wild Game Recipes

Preparation is most important…which begins the moment you harvest your game.  Proper field dressing, retrieval and storage/transportation to your favorite ‘meat processor’ is key.  Then the fun begins again!  Meal preparation! …which includes beverage pairing.  Because of our revered Michigan four seasons, we also seem to seasonally celebrate…thus, Halloween!  My personal recollection involved enjoying a seasonal whitetail deer harvest with my wife paired with our favorite adult beverage.  Today’s “woods to table” bountiful harvest is a venison roast slow cooked with accompanying vegetables.   Bon Appetit!  

Are Ruffed Grouse Toxic? Maybe Sometimes

Wild Game DynastyEast Lake Buzz, Friends of ELO

By:  Ben Long.  Reprinted with permission by MeatEater. Ruffed grouse are widely considered one of the more delectable upland game birds. But did you know they might also be poisonous? Odd as it seems, there is a fairly extensive—and largely forgotten—body of medical literature detailing unfortunate souls who have been poisoned by eating ruffed grouse. Curiously, these poisonings dropped off with the invention of hunting seasons, which protected grouse when they happen to pose the largest risk. A document entitled “Dietary Roulette”, posted on the University of California-Davis website, both explains the phenomenon and raises … Read More

The Hunter, The Dreamer

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Bob Morgan. There is movement.  Rich bronze against a maze of greens The muscled neck swings gracefully upward and intelligent eyes search the difference. Nose raised to the air, a search for unfamiliar scents. A slight snort, sharp hooves paw the earth and the whitetail moves back into the maze of green, completely obscured.  I, too, am obscured. From my stand high in a tall oak, I have watched the buck reveal himself, then once  again hide. His wariness, his wiliness impress me.  I did not move, I could not have been seen or … Read More

Are You Scouting For Success?

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, East Lake Buzz, Friends of ELO

By:  Gary Morgan. Much has been written about ‘scouting whitetail deer’ causing a pause before I chose to partake in ‘just one more’.  Of course, my hunting friendships offering me that phrase have rarely caused me to decline…so I shall embark.   My Peeps know where my home range is but for everyone else let’s focus on Michigan …particularly the upper peninsula.  I’ll affectionately refer to this land mass as big timber…thus, Big Timber Whitetails.  My journey for a different kind of hunt began in the late 90’s when family and work constraints had formed my…”my … Read More

Is Michigan’s Bear Season Poised For Change?

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

As a avid bear hunter since the 1980s (mostly over bait and a property owner of 100 acres in the Eastern upper peninsula), I strongly believe we should separate the Bait & Hound seasons. The conflict and animosity between bait hunters and houndsmen has steadily grown. Since I have been hunting I personally have felt the the aggravation and pain of spending a large amount of time, effort, and money in a bear hunt only to have it ruined by houndsmen’s dogs tracking and running bears off my bait. No matter how deep in the … Read More