The Fish Dimension

Rebecca MorganFishing, Friends of ELO, Wild Game Recipes

You’ve heard of the 5th Dimension, which has been defined an extra dimension of space. It has also been defined as a state of being where you are ready to do things for others, working toward the higher good.  (Thank you, fish!) If you’re old enough, you may even have heard of the vocal group from the 60’s by the same name.   What I’d like to propose to you is the “Fish Dimension,” many spaces occupied by fish that challenge humans on various levels, with the outcome being an occasional meal beyond what could be … Read More

Hail To Thee Ole Michigan Grouse

Jeff HornHunting Stories & Adventures, Wild Game Recipes

By:  Jeff Horn. The elusive one that causes the hunter to miss their shots, and say ugly words. The Historian and Geographer Herodotus called Egypt “Gift of the Nile”. Perhaps if old Herodotus had ever hunted grouse in the U. P. of Michigan he would have dubbed Michigan and the great lakes region “the gift of the grouse”. In a Grouse season so dry, that even the grouse packed water, I found myself ready to call the DNR and ask, where have all the grouse gone? My hunting party didn’t find the grouse in the … Read More