Bottoms Up!

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Friends of ELO, Take A Hike!

  This story started with its title, or more accurately, an observation that led to its title.  The snow filled and chilling past week has kept Michiganders inside, for the most part.  The most outdoor activity I’ve engaged in is bringing more wood into our cabin home to keep us toasty and cozy.  So was I ever surprised when I glanced out between the steep snowbank lined creek to see 5 Mallard duck couples.  And to my delight, it was Valentine’s Day!  Of course, my husband was in the U.P. with Bobcat hunters.  With my … Read More

When Pigs Fly

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Stories & Adventures

For a hunting outfitter pursuing Bobcats, this may actually be a reality.  And as such, it could be the answer to the question: When is Michigan’s bobcat hunting season? Kinda feels like we’re playing jeopardy, doesn’t it?  Let me explain.  Scene one of this phenomenon is set in Falmouth, Michigan at their famous Ebels General Store Meat Processing.  If you’ve never been there, it may be worth the trip.  They have an enormous selection of fresh meats in their store.  Individuals and livestock businesses from all over utilize their well known butchering services. Many hunters … Read More

Spousal Date Redefined

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Stories & Adventures

About this time of year, it seems winter begins to wear out its welcome.  Though I’ve enjoyed the beauty of the snow, especially during a recent snowshoeing adventure, the activity of wildlife slows.  The birds who’ve been left behind, namely Chickadees, Nuthatches, Pileated Woodpeckers and Sap Suckers, provide the majority of wildlife sightings.  We see the Bald Eagle near the creek looking for a defenseless victim, likely an unsuspecting Mallard Duck.   Deer come and go as their dietary needs arise.  After that, any other wildlife viewing is likely by way of trail cam.   With … Read More

Shortcuts – Friend or Folly

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Friends of ELO, Hunting Tips & Techniques

We’ve all taken shortcuts at one time or another.  Many live by the shortcut.  Some, if we were to admit, have fallen by the shortcut. In a world where we want everything stat, patience is not only a virtue but a rarity.  We live in an instant society where most of the time we can get answers in a moment with a google search, or alexa inquiry.  Let’s face it, we don’t like to wait. But when it comes to nature, this may not be the best way to glean success, at least in the … Read More

Diehard – A Battle of Wills

Rebecca MorganBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

The following article is about an extraordinary hunt as told by our nephew, Derek. Derek Harrison experienced the hunt of a lifetime on opening weekend of gun season 2024.  It all started on the second day of the hunt, November 16 on his father-in-law’s property in Hillsdale county. It was a fluke of a site, as a few weeks earlier he’d set up his hunting spot in the dark. Heading out on the morning of the hunt, and running late, Derek reflects on saying to his brother-in-law, Kenny, “I know there are big deer, we … Read More

ODE TO JOE – A Faithful Companion and Friend

Rebecca MorganHunting Stories & Adventures

Anyone who has ever owned a dog can appreciate the immense sense of loyalty a canine friend provides.  This bond may be intensified when dog and man spend countless hours together in the great outdoors.  Perhaps there’s no better example of this than upland bird hunting, when this finely tuned duo work in tandem to tag team their winged prey.   This story is about Joe, a beloved German Short-hair Pointer (GSP).  His owner, Barb, cared for him, or more likely spoiled him, and graciously allowed her husband, John, to be his hunting buddy.  She said, … Read More

Road Rally or Elk Hunt?

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Ethics & Safety

For anyone who is experienced at hunting the mighty whitetail, and successfully draws a Michigan elk permit, you may well be in for a surprise.  It’s a totally different animal out there, and we’re not just talking about the species. Whereas deer hunters settle into a blind in an area plentiful with deer sign, including buck scrapes and rubs, elk hunting mostly requires being on the constant move.  Similar to deer, elk are herd animals, grouping together as they migrate to where they can find a new source of food.  However, based on their increased … Read More

Rubbing it In… The Ones That Got Away!

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Spring Fling

Turkey hunting season is over and our local feathered friends know this. So this article is not about a special, secret rub for use on a Thanksgiving turkey, as the title might imply.  Instead, this is about a particular behavior we’re observing within our local turkey population. It seems they’re rubbing in the fact that they will not be served on November 28 by making almost daily rounds, flaunting this knowledge with arrogance.  Their flagrant strut is even more pronounced as Thanksgiving Day approaches. One day we’ll see the woman folk in much larger numbers … Read More

Paradise Restored

Rebecca MorganBucks n Bears, Hunting Stories & Adventures

As an outfitter and guide, Gary Morgan rarely gets the opportunity to hunt.  It’s been about 10 years since his last Great Whitetail quest.  Living vicariously through the adventures of his clients and friends, that is enough.  However, when a surprise invite came to him for a deer hunt in what some may describe as a modern day garden of eden for Michigan Whitetail, how could he refuse? The invitation was extended by Greg Compeau, who was once a “friend of a friend,” that friend being Rodd Little, a Michigan renowned master turkey hunter.  It … Read More