The Greatest Adventure In The Woods

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

Mentoring our youth can be one of the most rewarding things you can do as a hunter. Investing time in our young people is not only what a responsible hunter should do but it’s a way to continue your own legacy as well. Young people today seem to have a lack of good role models, so I consider it a real privilege to get the opportunity to have an impact in the life of a young person. I mentored my first youth before my own son was old enough to start hunting. I was searching … Read More

Sometimes Lessons Need To Be Relearned

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Ethics & Safety, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Well folks I don’t know about you but we had a decent deer season for 2024. A total of 6 deer were taken off the property we hunt this year and every one of them by yours truly. Not for lack of effort by my son or the landowner (Steve) and his daughter, but I just seemed to be the one blessed with the most opportunities. The old saying goes, I’d rather be lucky than good any day. Not to discount the skill and knowledge that are needed to successfully hunt a mature whitetail, but … Read More

Reflections in The December Woods

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Stories & Adventures

There’s just nothing like deer hunting with snow on the ground. For those of us in Michigan, that seems to be a rare occurrence these days and your best chance of getting to hunt in some snow (while there is still no guarantee) is during the month of December. Well, my friends, if you are hunting in December and are still looking for a big buck, that means you’re either pulling your archery equipment back out of the closet or you’re grabbing the old muzzleloader. Well, at least it used to. In recent years in … Read More

An Unforgettable Archery Season

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Folks, I don’t know about you but, I have always appreciated when hunting shows or writers include failures among their stories. I have always felt that those tales of failure make the stories and those telling them more real, and it makes me remember that mishaps can and will happen to all of us at one time or another. Thus is the case for this year’s archery deer season, well at least in my case. The season was not without a victory in the woods, but it came at a cost.  My 2024 archery season … Read More

“The Rut” changes all the rules

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Mid-October days are some of the hardest days to be at work when you’re a bowhunter. The leaves are changing color, and the temps are dropping but, duty calls and you can’t afford to hunt if you don’t go to work. Yet those vacation days that you have saved up for deer hunting are calling to you saying, “take a day off and go to the woods.” It takes so much willpower to get up and go to work when your mind keeps telling you “There’s just bound to be a big buck on the … Read More

A Rainy-Day Disaster

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

When I walked outside early this morning, I closed my eyes and smiled as I drew that first breath of the cool morning air. When I opened my eyes and looked up at the dark night sky, I saw my old friend Orion just above the horizon. The site of that group of stars always gets me excited for the approach of Autumn and all that comes with it. It’s by far my favorite season, and these days fall means high school football games, and of course Archery Deer season.  Like many of you, I … Read More

Grunt Calls, are they worth using?

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

If I had to pick just one item to carry to my deer stand besides my bow or my gun, it would be my grunt call. Like many of you, I’ve watched my share of monster buck videos. One thing you’ll notice in just about every video, the hunter is using a grunt call. Folks, let me tell you, it’s not just for show and it’s not just to sell products. Those things really work! It was the year 2000 and I had just gotten permission to hunt a small section of property across the … Read More

A Thompson Center Encore .450 Bushmaster

Robert WellerGear Reviews & Recommendations

Thompson Center Arms, as you may know, is famous for producing the very popular Encore rifle and Contender pistol platforms. These platforms were known for being very accurate single shot firearms with interchangeable barrels. Their slogan was “One gun, for all your hunts.” On January 4, 2007, Thompson Center Arms was purchased by Smith & Wesson. On December 8, 2010, Smith & Wesson announced the original Rochester, New Hampshire plant would be closed and manufacturing was transferred to Springfield, Massachusetts. In Late May, 2022 Smith & Wesson closed down the TC line completely. However, in … Read More

Bow Hunting On A Budget

Robert WellerHunting Tips & Techniques

Are you considering bow hunting but aren’t sure if you can afford all of the equipment that everyone says you “need”? I’m here to tell you that you can get started bow hunting for far less money than most people will tell you.  Before we get started, there is one piece of equipment that I will say is an absolute must. As I am a certified Bow Hunter Safety instructor, it would be wrong of me not to stress how important a good quality safety harness and life line are. Don’t leave the ground until … Read More

We Went To Moab & Rented A Jeep

Robert WellerTake A Hike!

A couple of years ago I started watching a you tube channel called Trail Mater. The channel is all about off road recoveries in Moab, Utah. Last summer my wife, Cathy, asked me what I wanted to do for our 25th wedding anniversary. I said, “Let’s go to Moab and see if we can meet Trail Mater!” She just looked at me with a big smile on her face and said, “are you serious?” To which I replied, “Heck yeah, why not?” After realizing that I was not joking Cathy was immediately on board with … Read More