Author: Rodd Little. Anyone who hunts or fishes has years where everything he does falls right into place, while other years it seems like no matter what you do nothing goes right. In 50 years of hunting I have never had a year like 2023. It started during the spring turkey season with my 9 year old grandson Connor. I took Connor on my property in northern Bay County on opening day of the 2023 turkey season to a portable (tent) blind in a Grandpa Ray’s clover plot I had frost seeded in March. I … Read More
Trophy Wild Turkey Hunting
By the time the 20th century arrived, wild turkeys could only be found in isolated pockets of North America. This was due to the major destruction of habitat and unregulated hunting, with some states, such as Michigan, having its wild turkey population completely extirpated. Michigan began transplanting wild turkeys from Pennsylvania in the Allegan State Forest during the 1950’s. Efforts were made to successfully expand the wild turkeys’ range across the northern Lower Peninsula, and the first limited turkey hunt was held in 1965. This would continue with other northern Michigan areas having a limited … Read More
The Greatest Adventure In The Woods
Mentoring our youth can be one of the most rewarding things you can do as a hunter. Investing time in our young people is not only what a responsible hunter should do but it’s a way to continue your own legacy as well. Young people today seem to have a lack of good role models, so I consider it a real privilege to get the opportunity to have an impact in the life of a young person. I mentored my first youth before my own son was old enough to start hunting. I was searching … Read More
2023’s Highest Scoring Bears
Russell Waypa from Menominee shot the highest scoring black bear entered in state records maintained by Commemorative Bucks of Michigan during 2023 seasons and he got it in Menominee County. The bear that Waypa shot on September 24, 2023 had a skull that measured 21 11/16, easily qualifying for a spot in alltime national records kept by the Boone & Crockett Club, too. Black bear skulls must score a minimum of 21 to make the alltime list in national records as opposed to 18 for state records. At least three more bruins taken during 2023 … Read More
Bottoms Up!
This story started with its title, or more accurately, an observation that led to its title. The snow filled and chilling past week has kept Michiganders inside, for the most part. The most outdoor activity I’ve engaged in is bringing more wood into our cabin home to keep us toasty and cozy. So was I ever surprised when I glanced out between the steep snowbank lined creek to see 5 Mallard duck couples. And to my delight, it was Valentine’s Day! Of course, my husband was in the U.P. with Bobcat hunters. With my … Read More
The unique and amazing black bear
The American black bear has long proven to be highly adaptable to an ever-changing world. Unlike its less adaptable North American cousins, the polar bear and grizzly, black bear numbers are on a steady incline and in some cases, especially due to dedicated bear management efforts these days, are even extending their typical range, making it the most numerous bear species on this continent. This means humans and black bears frequently share the same ground which at times can lead to conflicts, even in urban environments, and black … Read More
Shortcuts – Friend or Folly
We’ve all taken shortcuts at one time or another. Many live by the shortcut. Some, if we were to admit, have fallen by the shortcut. In a world where we want everything stat, patience is not only a virtue but a rarity. We live in an instant society where most of the time we can get answers in a moment with a google search, or alexa inquiry. Let’s face it, we don’t like to wait. But when it comes to nature, this may not be the best way to glean success, at least in the … Read More
Sometimes Lessons Need To Be Relearned
Well folks I don’t know about you but we had a decent deer season for 2024. A total of 6 deer were taken off the property we hunt this year and every one of them by yours truly. Not for lack of effort by my son or the landowner (Steve) and his daughter, but I just seemed to be the one blessed with the most opportunities. The old saying goes, I’d rather be lucky than good any day. Not to discount the skill and knowledge that are needed to successfully hunt a mature whitetail, but … Read More
Ode to the magnificent rimfire “Double Deuce”
There is little doubt that the most popular rifle and handgun cartridge in this country is the .22 rimfire round. Annual ammunition sales also state that it is the most fired round in America, and it is extremely versatile for being used from target shooting and simple plinking, to small game hunting and even personal defense. The fact that it isn’t overly loud with its report and lacks any noticeable recoil causes the .22 rimfire to be the perfect round to introduce new and young beginners into the shooting pastimes. Having shot the .22 rimfire … Read More
Diehard – A Battle of Wills
The following article is about an extraordinary hunt as told by our nephew, Derek. Derek Harrison experienced the hunt of a lifetime on opening weekend of gun season 2024. It all started on the second day of the hunt, November 16 on his father-in-law’s property in Hillsdale county. It was a fluke of a site, as a few weeks earlier he’d set up his hunting spot in the dark. Heading out on the morning of the hunt, and running late, Derek reflects on saying to his brother-in-law, Kenny, “I know there are big deer, we … Read More