Your Wild Game Harvest Pairs Well

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO, Wild Game Recipes

Preparation is most important…which begins the moment you harvest your game.  Proper field dressing, retrieval and storage/transportation to your favorite ‘meat processor’ is key.  Then the fun begins again!  Meal preparation! …which includes beverage pairing.  Because of our revered Michigan four seasons, we also seem to seasonally celebrate…thus, Halloween!  My personal recollection involved enjoying a seasonal whitetail deer harvest with my wife paired with our favorite adult beverage.  Today’s “woods to table” bountiful harvest is a venison roast slow cooked with accompanying vegetables.   Bon Appetit!  

“The Rut” changes all the rules

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Mid-October days are some of the hardest days to be at work when you’re a bowhunter. The leaves are changing color, and the temps are dropping but, duty calls and you can’t afford to hunt if you don’t go to work. Yet those vacation days that you have saved up for deer hunting are calling to you saying, “take a day off and go to the woods.” It takes so much willpower to get up and go to work when your mind keeps telling you “There’s just bound to be a big buck on the … Read More

The Fish Dimension

Rebecca MorganFishing, Friends of ELO, Wild Game Recipes

You’ve heard of the 5th Dimension, which has been defined an extra dimension of space. It has also been defined as a state of being where you are ready to do things for others, working toward the higher good.  (Thank you, fish!) If you’re old enough, you may even have heard of the vocal group from the 60’s by the same name.   What I’d like to propose to you is the “Fish Dimension,” many spaces occupied by fish that challenge humans on various levels, with the outcome being an occasional meal beyond what could be … Read More

Bow Season! …it is finally here.

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

The first day of October represents the start of Michigan’s archery deer season, and it is a long-awaited timeframe for a lot of avid bowhunters, me included. Often referred to as being “bow season”, it is an outdoor pastime I have enjoyed for over 60 years, and I have a lot of fine memories, as well as I’ve been able to witness an evolution of sorts, especially regarding gear and employed hunting techniques. My first bow and arrows were something I crafted when I was a farm kid, using a green limb from our orchard … Read More

They’ve Arrived!

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Fishing, Friends of ELO

Oh blessed event… Though 2 weeks post dates, our little snappers have arrived.  It was Saturday morning, September 14, 109 days after Mrs. T so gracefully deposited her eggs deeply into the sand before returning to the creek, leaving her latchkey offspring behind.  This task was completed 2 days after Memorial Day. If you read the previous article, The Legend of Mrs. T, then you learned about this yearly happening that I was privileged to witness for the first time. The odds are against them, but somehow, a few survive to carry on their legacy.  … Read More

Southern Michigan’s Limited Firearms Zone is celebrating its 10th anniversary

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Gear Reviews & Recommendations, Hunting Tips & Techniques

    By the early 20th Century, there were very few whitetail deer found in southern Michigan, which resulted in closing the annual deer season in that region for quite a few years to allow the deer population to rebound. The first reestablished deer season for southern Michigan occurred in 1948 when, due to possible safety concerns, only shotguns would be allowed creating what would be known as the “Shotgun Zone”. During the first couple years, deer hunters could only use buckshot, but shotgun slugs were eventually allowed as well as .22 rimfire rifles, which … Read More

A Night’s Tail

Rebecca MorganFriends of ELO

Only in backwoods living would such a story be told.  Most would not admit it happened in their home.  However, in the interest of full disclosure and finding the humor in something disgusting, this story follows. So I admit, we sometimes have a mouse problem since our move to the woods of Atlanta.  We had set two traps in the kitchen. Recently, upon awakening at about 4:50 a.m. for nature’s call, as I entered the kitchen for a drink of water, I noticed that one of the traps had migrated to the left by 3 … Read More

A Rainy-Day Disaster

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

When I walked outside early this morning, I closed my eyes and smiled as I drew that first breath of the cool morning air. When I opened my eyes and looked up at the dark night sky, I saw my old friend Orion just above the horizon. The site of that group of stars always gets me excited for the approach of Autumn and all that comes with it. It’s by far my favorite season, and these days fall means high school football games, and of course Archery Deer season.  Like many of you, I … Read More

Grunt Calls, are they worth using?

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

If I had to pick just one item to carry to my deer stand besides my bow or my gun, it would be my grunt call. Like many of you, I’ve watched my share of monster buck videos. One thing you’ll notice in just about every video, the hunter is using a grunt call. Folks, let me tell you, it’s not just for show and it’s not just to sell products. Those things really work! It was the year 2000 and I had just gotten permission to hunt a small section of property across the … Read More

Quarting Berries – A Summer Pastime

Rebecca MorganFriends of ELO

Wild berry picking has become a tradition for some in our family.  This began with my dad as far back as I can remember.  Oftentimes these berries were picked in Atlanta, my dad’s old stomping grounds, as a 1948 graduate of Atlanta High School.  He knew where to find them, whether wild blueberries or blackberries.  Over time the landscape has changed and some of these patches have migrated.  But who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt?  And fresh berries are most certainly a treasure!  Between the many pies, and homemade wine, my dad’s pursuit of … Read More