A very popular TV show when I was growing up was Michigan Outdoors, which was hosted by the late Mort Neff and aired every Thursday night. I looked forward to watching it each week because Mort Neff was always covering and promoting Michigan’s fantastic outdoor opportunities. A topic he kept tabs on was the reintroduction of wild turkeys (from Pennsylvania) to the Northern Lower Peninsula during the mid-1950’s. Limited Spring turkey hunts began in 1965 and getting a “gobbler tag” was done by applying through the mail to a special drawing. This was very similar … Read More
Trophy Wild Turkey Hunting
By the time the 20th century arrived, wild turkeys could only be found in isolated pockets of North America. This was due to the major destruction of habitat and unregulated hunting, with some states, such as Michigan, having its wild turkey population completely extirpated. Michigan began transplanting wild turkeys from Pennsylvania in the Allegan State Forest during the 1950’s. Efforts were made to successfully expand the wild turkeys’ range across the northern Lower Peninsula, and the first limited turkey hunt was held in 1965. This would continue with other northern Michigan areas having a limited … Read More
Becoming High on the Hog
One of the most widespread mammals in the world is “Sus scrofa”, the pig, also known as swine or hog. Its presence has been known in the “New World” since Columbus introduced them to the Caribbean islands during his second voyage in 1493. Hernando de Soto introduced them to what would become the continental United States in 1539, and during his 3-year expedition through what is now 14 states, pigs brought along as a steady food source, would often escape, and quickly adapted to the wild, and became what is known as “feral”. Wherever they … Read More
The Greatest Adventure In The Woods
Mentoring our youth can be one of the most rewarding things you can do as a hunter. Investing time in our young people is not only what a responsible hunter should do but it’s a way to continue your own legacy as well. Young people today seem to have a lack of good role models, so I consider it a real privilege to get the opportunity to have an impact in the life of a young person. I mentored my first youth before my own son was old enough to start hunting. I was searching … Read More
2023’s Highest Scoring Bears
Russell Waypa from Menominee shot the highest scoring black bear entered in state records maintained by Commemorative Bucks of Michigan during 2023 seasons and he got it in Menominee County. The bear that Waypa shot on September 24, 2023 had a skull that measured 21 11/16, easily qualifying for a spot in alltime national records kept by the Boone & Crockett Club, too. Black bear skulls must score a minimum of 21 to make the alltime list in national records as opposed to 18 for state records. At least three more bruins taken during 2023 … Read More
When Pigs Fly
For a hunting outfitter pursuing Bobcats, this may actually be a reality. And as such, it could be the answer to the question: When is Michigan’s bobcat hunting season? Kinda feels like we’re playing jeopardy, doesn’t it? Let me explain. Scene one of this phenomenon is set in Falmouth, Michigan at their famous Ebels General Store Meat Processing. If you’ve never been there, it may be worth the trip. They have an enormous selection of fresh meats in their store. Individuals and livestock businesses from all over utilize their well known butchering services. Many hunters … Read More
Spousal Date Redefined
About this time of year, it seems winter begins to wear out its welcome. Though I’ve enjoyed the beauty of the snow, especially during a recent snowshoeing adventure, the activity of wildlife slows. The birds who’ve been left behind, namely Chickadees, Nuthatches, Pileated Woodpeckers and Sap Suckers, provide the majority of wildlife sightings. We see the Bald Eagle near the creek looking for a defenseless victim, likely an unsuspecting Mallard Duck. Deer come and go as their dietary needs arise. After that, any other wildlife viewing is likely by way of trail cam. With … Read More
Pursuing wintertime bushytails
When winter finally rolls in, I automatically begin pondering squirrel hunting, and there is little doubt in my mind that a highly underutilized outdoor pastime is pursuing wintertime bushytails. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy every opportunity to go squirrel hunting, and I have my favorite spots on both private and public land, not only in my home Thumb area, but also elsewhere in the state. A beauty about squirrel hunting is that you don’t have to travel far to find ample opportunities anywhere in our great state of Michigan, and with plenty of public land available, … Read More
Diehard – A Battle of Wills
The following article is about an extraordinary hunt as told by our nephew, Derek. Derek Harrison experienced the hunt of a lifetime on opening weekend of gun season 2024. It all started on the second day of the hunt, November 16 on his father-in-law’s property in Hillsdale county. It was a fluke of a site, as a few weeks earlier he’d set up his hunting spot in the dark. Heading out on the morning of the hunt, and running late, Derek reflects on saying to his brother-in-law, Kenny, “I know there are big deer, we … Read More
ODE TO JOE – A Faithful Companion and Friend
Anyone who has ever owned a dog can appreciate the immense sense of loyalty a canine friend provides. This bond may be intensified when dog and man spend countless hours together in the great outdoors. Perhaps there’s no better example of this than upland bird hunting, when this finely tuned duo work in tandem to tag team their winged prey. This story is about Joe, a beloved German Short-hair Pointer (GSP). His owner, Barb, cared for him, or more likely spoiled him, and graciously allowed her husband, John, to be his hunting buddy. She said, … Read More