1968 – The year my annual spring turkey hunting adventures began

Tom LounsburyGame Species Profiles, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques, Spring Fling

A very popular TV show when I was growing up was Michigan Outdoors, which was hosted by the late Mort Neff and aired every Thursday night. I looked forward to watching it each week because Mort Neff was always covering and promoting Michigan’s fantastic outdoor opportunities. A topic he kept tabs on was the reintroduction of wild turkeys (from Pennsylvania) to the Northern Lower Peninsula during the mid-1950’s. Limited Spring turkey hunts began in 1965 and getting a “gobbler tag” was done by applying through the mail to a special drawing. This was very similar … Read More

Trophy Wild Turkey Hunting

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques, Spring Fling

By the time the 20th century arrived, wild turkeys could only be found in isolated pockets of North America. This was due to the major destruction of habitat and unregulated hunting, with some states, such as Michigan, having its wild turkey population completely extirpated. Michigan began transplanting wild turkeys from Pennsylvania in the Allegan State Forest during the 1950’s. Efforts were made to successfully expand the wild turkeys’ range across the northern Lower Peninsula, and the first limited turkey hunt was held in 1965. This would continue with other northern Michigan areas having a limited … Read More

Becoming High on the Hog

Tom LounsburyConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

One of the most widespread mammals in the world is “Sus scrofa”, the pig, also known as swine or hog. Its presence has been known in the “New World” since Columbus introduced them to the Caribbean islands during his second voyage in 1493.  Hernando de Soto introduced them to what would become the continental United States in 1539, and during his 3-year expedition through what is now 14 states, pigs brought along as a steady food source, would often escape, and quickly adapted to the wild, and became what is known as “feral”. Wherever they … Read More

Enjoying The Outdoors The Air Rifle Way

Tom LounsburyHunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Tips & Techniques

The first air guns/rifles appear in history during the 1580’s. They were mainly used by wealthy sportsmen for hunting, but due to their unique functioning characteristics, were sometimes used in warfare. Napoleon, for example, didn’t much appreciate opposing special snipers armed with air rifles which caused morale issues in the French ranks. The fact there was no telltale smoke or loud report caused the French to wonder at first if some “magic” was entailed during a time of flintlock muskets as being the primary arm. Lewis and Clark took a Girardoni air rifle on their … Read More

Shortcuts – Friend or Folly

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Friends of ELO, Hunting Tips & Techniques

We’ve all taken shortcuts at one time or another.  Many live by the shortcut.  Some, if we were to admit, have fallen by the shortcut. In a world where we want everything stat, patience is not only a virtue but a rarity.  We live in an instant society where most of the time we can get answers in a moment with a google search, or alexa inquiry.  Let’s face it, we don’t like to wait. But when it comes to nature, this may not be the best way to glean success, at least in the … Read More

Sometimes Lessons Need To Be Relearned

Robert WellerFriends of ELO, Hunting Ethics & Safety, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Well folks I don’t know about you but we had a decent deer season for 2024. A total of 6 deer were taken off the property we hunt this year and every one of them by yours truly. Not for lack of effort by my son or the landowner (Steve) and his daughter, but I just seemed to be the one blessed with the most opportunities. The old saying goes, I’d rather be lucky than good any day. Not to discount the skill and knowledge that are needed to successfully hunt a mature whitetail, but … Read More

Ode to the magnificent rimfire “Double Deuce”

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Tips & Techniques

There is little doubt that the most popular rifle and handgun cartridge in this country is the .22 rimfire round. Annual ammunition sales also state that it is the most fired round in America, and it is extremely versatile for being used from target shooting and simple plinking, to small game hunting and even personal defense. The fact that it isn’t overly loud with its report and lacks any noticeable recoil causes the .22 rimfire to be the perfect round to introduce new and young beginners into the shooting pastimes. Having shot the .22 rimfire … Read More

Whenever hunter-pressured whitetails go nocturnal, nothing beats an old-fashioned deer drive.

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

At high noon a few December muzzleloader deer seasons ago, I was on a deer drive with friends and acting as a stander at a likely location on the corner of a briar-infested woodlot bordering a hayfield. According to all the fresh tracks there were plenty of deer seeking refuge in the thick and snarly cover, and I was anticipating plenty of action, which can be the case with a well-organized deer drive. Deer drives don’t have to involve a lot of hunters, especially when everyone knows the lay of the land. In this instance, … Read More

Trophy doe hunting can become a challenging proposition

Tom LounsburyConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Tips & Techniques

When I began deer hunting in my home Thumb area in 1963, deer weren’t as numerous as they are today, and just seeing one, much less one with antlers and being able to shoot it. Back then, the “bucks only” law wasn’t a bad thing, in order for deer to better propagate in a region. Whitetail deer are in fact quite resilient critters, and when given a chance, can do some serious propagating. In 1970, the DNR realized something had to be done to help keep the deer herd in check with the habitat, and … Read More

An Unforgettable Archery Season

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

Folks, I don’t know about you but, I have always appreciated when hunting shows or writers include failures among their stories. I have always felt that those tales of failure make the stories and those telling them more real, and it makes me remember that mishaps can and will happen to all of us at one time or another. Thus is the case for this year’s archery deer season, well at least in my case. The season was not without a victory in the woods, but it came at a cost.  My 2024 archery season … Read More