By: Tony Polk, owner of The Food Plot Shop. Frost seeding is a method of planting a food plot that more food plotters should consider. Frost seeding is the act of broadcasting seeds on the soil surface without disturbing the soil with any tools. In Michigan this is typically done in Mid-February until late March. It is best to broadcast seeds early in the morning so as the temperature rises throughout the day the soil will “Heave” and the seeds will move into a position of better soil contact. The expansion … Read More
The Sweet Bounty of the Woodlands
One of my fondest memories as a teenager was working for a neighbor in his woods gathering sap to make maple syrup. This began first with “tapping” maple trees using a hand-drill and hammering in metal spigots (aka taps) on which we hung special metal buckets which had lids to keep out moisture and debris. Some trees on the smaller side only required one tap, while bigger ones could handle more. There was a lot of snow that particular winter, and we had to do some serious wading during our first attempts to reach the … Read More
Turning trophies from the field into ‘Art’
Being an outdoor writer has taken me to many places and adventures, but the best part of it all is the people I meet who readily share their special outdoor-related niche. While many of the folks I meet often entail planned adventures, I am never surprised when things happen in a very fortuitous manner, and I meet someone totally out of the blue. And nope, folks, I’m none too shy at all about striking up a conversation with total strangers! Such was the case while I was recently picking up packaged venison at Outback Meats … Read More
Restoring An Old 870 Wingmaster
My buddy Jim loves to go to auction sales. So when his son Nick told him that he wanted to buy a 12 gauge shotgun for deer hunting here in Michigan, it was no surprise to me when Jim called me to ask what kind of gun he should keep his eye out for when he was visiting auctions in the area. Obviously there are several good shotguns out there but I told Jim, if he wanted to buy a used shotgun, he could hardly go wrong if he picked up an old Remington 870 … Read More
Why You Should Support The Hearing Protection Act
Originally introduced by Representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ) all the way back in October 2015, H.R. 3799, better known as the Hearing Protection Act of 2015, was a bill that could completely revolutionize life for hunters and shooters in the United States. What Is The Hearing Protection Act? You can read the full text of the bill here, but put simply, the Hearing Protection Act would remove suppressors from regulation under the National Firearms Act of 1934 and would treat suppressors just like rifles and shotguns. Specifically, this bill would allow people to purchase a suppressor after simply … Read More
Silencer Central Banish Backcountry Review: Read Before Buying!
Note: Originally published on The Big Game Hunting Blog by John McAdams and used with permission here… By: John McAdams I think the Banish Backcountry suppressor is a fantastic silencer for those who want a compact and lightweight hunting suppressor that still does a good job of reducing the report of a rifle. I explain why I feel that way in this Banish Backcountry review. Many hunters and shooters likely fall into one of two categories when it comes to suppressors. Those in the first category likely view suppressors as exotic shooting accessories only used in movies or … Read More