Restoring An Old 870 Wingmaster

Robert WellerGame Species Profiles, Product Guides and DIY Projects

My buddy Jim loves to go to auction sales. So when his son Nick told him that he wanted to buy a 12 gauge shotgun for deer hunting here in Michigan, it was no surprise to me when Jim called me to ask what kind of gun he should keep his eye out for when he was visiting auctions in the area. Obviously there are several good shotguns out there but I told Jim, if he wanted to buy a used shotgun, he could hardly go wrong if he picked up an old Remington 870 … Read More

Lost! – “It’s a helluva feeling, ain’t it?”

Rebecca MorganTake A Hike!

A few years ago when our current home was our cabin and the property was new and less familiar, I went snowshoeing one blustery winter’s day.  Admittedly, I do not have a great sense of direction.  Add to this that I was focused on making my way through deep snow, having only been snowshoeing a few times in my life, and the result was a few moments of panic.  I realized I might be turned around when things were no longer familiar and I came upon some old abandoned buildings I’d never seen before.  This … Read More

Scout NOW For Next Fall & Why! (Part II)

John EberhartHunting Tips & Techniques

In order of importance, once on foot focus your attention on the following sign for stand locations: primary scrape areas, fruit and mast trees, within bedding areas, funnels between bedding areas and terrain feature funnels, areas offering security cover that protrude out into crop or weed fields, scrape lined runways, narrow draws offering transition security cover that protrude into crop or weed fields, funnels between bedding and feeding areas, clusters of rubs and rub lines, convergence points of several runways, and water in areas with minimal water sources. Primary scrape areas A primary scrape area … Read More

Scout Now For Next Fall…and why! (part I)

John EberhartHunting Tips & Techniques

For each of the three instructional whitetail bowhunting books my son Chris and I wrote, my 4 instructional DVD’s, as well as for hunting articles, from 1998 to date we’ve; researched many whitetail studies, tracked bowhunting license sales for each state, found the absolute land mass for each state in square miles, and researched specific data from Pope & Young statistical summary books to compile factual statistics and there was one very important piece of kill data that remained consistent throughout the years. While Pope & Young entries per licensed hunters vary dramatically from state … Read More

Playing By Ear

Tom CarneyHunting Stories & Adventures

The walk through the darkness and silence was eerily exciting, like when you step into a lake and something unseen brushes past your leg. The cool rain wasn’t falling hard enough to discourage the adventure but just hard enough to make zipping up the jacket a good idea. In so many ways it was the same. Yet in several ways it was different. About 20 years had elapsed since my previous wild turkey hunting in northern Michigan. For a couple of reasons I stopped, mainly the nuisance of interlopers sneaking in hours after I had … Read More

Why You Should Support The Hearing Protection Act

John McAdamsHunting Tips & Techniques, Product Guides and DIY Projects

Originally introduced by Representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ) all the way back in October 2015, H.R. 3799, better known as the Hearing Protection Act of 2015, was a bill that could completely revolutionize life for hunters and shooters in the United States. What Is The Hearing Protection Act? You can read the full text of the bill here, but put simply, the Hearing Protection Act would remove suppressors from regulation under the National Firearms Act of 1934 and would treat suppressors just like rifles and shotguns. Specifically, this bill would allow people to purchase a suppressor after simply … Read More

Nothing beats a day spent in good “rabbitat”

Tom LounsburyGame Species Profiles, Hunting Stories & Adventures

Growing up on a Thumb area farm, I have a long association with the cottontail rabbit, a wild, carefree critter which I much admire, and it was the first game animal I ever harvested. This occurred when I was a kid and had just finished my morning chores at the barn and was returning to our farmhouse. When I walked past the corncrib, a cottontail flushed from near it and headed lickety-split to our orchard nearby. I went to the house and grabbed up my single-shot .410 shotgun, and a couple shells. A fresh, fluffy … Read More

A Father And Son Double

Robert WellerConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Stories & Adventures

The Michigan DNR sent out emails to thousands of Michigan deer hunters this year asking us all to take a doe if we had the opportunity. My son, Jacob and I were both sitting on our second combo tag and I still had a doe tag going into Christmas weekend, so I figured we should try our luck in the woods one last time for the year. It was a bit warmer than I like it this time of year but the weather was kind of rainy so I figured that might get the deer … Read More

Silencer Central Banish Backcountry Review: Read Before Buying!

John McAdamsHunting Tips & Techniques, Product Guides and DIY Projects

Note:  Originally published on The Big Game Hunting Blog by John McAdams and used with permission here… By: John McAdams I think the Banish Backcountry suppressor is a fantastic silencer for those who want a compact and lightweight hunting suppressor that still does a good job of reducing the report of a rifle. I explain why I feel that way in this Banish Backcountry review. Many hunters and shooters likely fall into one of two categories when it comes to suppressors. Those in the first category likely view suppressors as exotic shooting accessories only used in movies or … Read More

Hail To Thee Ole Michigan Grouse

Jeff HornHunting Stories & Adventures, Wild Game Recipes

By:  Jeff Horn. The elusive one that causes the hunter to miss their shots, and say ugly words. The Historian and Geographer Herodotus called Egypt “Gift of the Nile”. Perhaps if old Herodotus had ever hunted grouse in the U. P. of Michigan he would have dubbed Michigan and the great lakes region “the gift of the grouse”. In a Grouse season so dry, that even the grouse packed water, I found myself ready to call the DNR and ask, where have all the grouse gone? My hunting party didn’t find the grouse in the … Read More