The late Mack Seney of Reese had his share of memories, with a couple of them relating to being very lucky. The first relates to a day in 1944 as an infantryman with 35th Infantry Division in France during World War II. The German forces were being pushed back so fast that American soldiers had to hitch rides on any sort of vehicle they could, including on top of tanks, to maintain the front line. Mack was in the back of a truck when it screeched to a stop and everyone was bailing out and … Read More
Venison – which is an annual fall harvest for a lot of folks
November 15th is a revered day for Michigan deer hunters, and it is when the majority of deer are harvested statewide each year. It also represents a very busy timeframe for meat processors and good venison has a very succulent nature which is a primary meat source for my family that we all enjoy. I was a state meat inspector for almost 12 years, working on various “kill-floors” in slaughterhouses, where I did ante-mortem (making sure animals to be slaughtered were in a healthy state) and post-mortem (performing an autopsy of sorts) inspections to assure … Read More
From Forest to Table – It’s All Good
Few things bring people together more than food. The table is where conversations start and relationships begin. In families, this simple pastime is too often bypassed as a result of crazy, busy lives with little relief in sight. Yet this act of bonding is actually biblical, as frequently demonstrated by none other than Jesus! And how about the spirit of celebration He ignited through His first miracle! So we’ve established, food brings us together. How might that conversation be heightened when there’s a story behind the food, as in the challenge and victory of the … Read More
They’ve Arrived!
Oh blessed event… Though 2 weeks post dates, our little snappers have arrived. It was Saturday morning, September 14, 109 days after Mrs. T so gracefully deposited her eggs deeply into the sand before returning to the creek, leaving her latchkey offspring behind. This task was completed 2 days after Memorial Day. If you read the previous article, The Legend of Mrs. T, then you learned about this yearly happening that I was privileged to witness for the first time. The odds are against them, but somehow, a few survive to carry on their legacy. … Read More
A Night’s Tail
Only in backwoods living would such a story be told. Most would not admit it happened in their home. However, in the interest of full disclosure and finding the humor in something disgusting, this story follows. So I admit, we sometimes have a mouse problem since our move to the woods of Atlanta. We had set two traps in the kitchen. Recently, upon awakening at about 4:50 a.m. for nature’s call, as I entered the kitchen for a drink of water, I noticed that one of the traps had migrated to the left by 3 … Read More
Michigan’s Liberty Hunt offers a wonderful opportunity to introduce kids to the wonderful world of deer hunting.
Michigan’s first Liberty Hunt was held in 2001, which would allow kids aged 16 and younger as well as adults with qualifying disabilities, to participate in the special two-day deer season, which usually occurs during the second weekend in September. My youngest son Joe, at age 15, was able to participate in that first Liberty Hunt, as well as the following Liberty Hunt in 2002. After that I would make a point of “adopting” a kid for that special hunt each year, and yep, folks, there are a lot of kids out there wishing for … Read More
The new Jay’s and Webber Wildlife Education Center is a great place for the entire family to visit.
July 24, 2024, marked the grand opening of the new Jay’s and Webber Wildlife Education Center located close to Jay’s Sporting Goods in Clare. Stepping through the doorway to the museum is a bit of a breathtaking moment, I can assure you. The first thing to greet you are the full-sized mounts of two zebra stallions fighting, and from there on as you look around and move to each exhibit, you’ll encounter wildlife from all over the world being presented in their distinct habitat. The artwork adorning the walls to enhance each exhibit is nothing … Read More
Nature’s most amazing earth excavator
The old tongue-twister “how much wood can a woodchuck chuck” isn’t all that accurate because a woodchuck doesn’t chuck on any sort of wood, and in fact its name doesn’t relate to the woods at all. It got its official title from early English settlers who corrupted the Native American (Algonquian) name for this ground-dwelling rodent they called “wuchak”. Woodchucks actually prefer more open ground and due to the settlement process of this country that cleared forests to make way for agriculture, it would be to the woodchuck’s advantage. There is little doubt more woodchucks … Read More
Exploration Adventures in Yooper-land
There is a unique sense of entering an isolated, slower-paced and back-to-nature atmosphere after crossing the Mackinac bridge into the Upper Peninsula. At least that is the way it is with my wife, Ginny, and me. Our destination was Baraga, where the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association (MOWA) was holding its annual conference at the Baraga Lakeside Inn, which is located right on the shore of Lake Superior and offers great accommodation and food (the meals prepared by chef Doug Smith were outstanding). Baraga is located on Lake Superior near the southeast corner of the Keweenaw … Read More