“Busy As A Bee” Season

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Fishing, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle

After a quiet winter, at least in respect to wildlife, there’s a lot of buzz going on in the outdoors, and I don’t mean the bees or gossip.  As I go for my almost daily walks, I never cease to hear or see something that fills me with wonder.   I often hear what I refer to as the percussion section, with a well-played drumroll from an unseen partridge, let’s call him Danny from the Partridge Family (Okay, I’m dating myself here.) This soft drumroll also reminds me of the days when I could hear the … Read More

All That and a Bag of Chips!

Rebecca MorganHunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Spring Fling

You don’t have to hunt to enjoy the great outdoors.  Being newly retired and living further north has provided me with ample opportunity to enjoy what’s all around me.  I have a newfound understanding of why many hunters are so passionate about the hunt.  I’ve learned that it’s not just about the hunt, but everything in between, as in truth, how many hunting adventures actually result in meat?  The meat is great, God put it there for us. But it seems that hunting is so much more.  I hope you enjoy a non-hunter’s interpretation of … Read More

Nessmuk was a man of the wilderness

Tom LounsburyConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Stories & Adventures

George Washington Sears was born in 1821 in Massachusetts and was the eldest of 10 children. While still a child, Sears had to work in a factory, and due to that experience, he enjoyed reading Charles Dickens novels, and grew to not care much for the urban experience. Somewhere along the line he was befriended by a Native American named Nessmuk who tutored him about the outdoors. At age twelve, he went to work for commercial fishermen on Cape Cod, and in 1841 signed up for a three-year whaling voyage to the South Pacific. When … Read More

Thumbs Up Women On The Wing

Tom LounsburyHunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting News & Updates

Hunting, nationwide, has seen steadily decreasing hunter numbers in recent years. States have been trying to recruit new hunters and Michigan, for example, has developed a mentor hunting license for youth hunters 9 years old and under, and an apprentice hunting license for10 years old and older, which includes adults. There are also special youth-related hunts focused on getting new generations involved, all of which I fully support. I also fully support a new trend in the hunter statistics which represents women becoming more involved in hunting, as well as other shooting pastimes. The fact … Read More

Reality Of Bowhunting

John EberhartHunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Tips & Techniques

[disclosure] Pre-Season Scouting/Speed Touring Mature whitetails are creatures of habit and once deer season is over it doesn’t take them long before calming down and reverting back to set routines which include more daytime movements. Their routines will take on slight alterations throughout the year primarily due to changes in weather conditions, preferred food sources and during spring fawning there will be alterations as does break with wintering social groups, force their previous spring’s fawns away, and birth their new ones.    Bedding to feeding area routines by mature bucks also remains constant throughout the summer … Read More

Wyoming Adventures Long Remembered

Tom LounsburyConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting Stories & Adventures

The late Bob Brislawn is known by the USDA as being the founder of the Spanish Mustang as an American horse breed. I can remember a large picture of him in Life magazine in January 1969, in which he was wearing his trademark large Stetson with a small American flag protruding up out of the hatband. The Life magazine article about wild mustangs featured a bit of Bob’s history and his dedicated efforts to save the Spanish mustang as a breed. He had worked for the U.S. Geological Survey during the early 20th Century as … Read More

The History Of Deer Hunting In Michigan

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle

By:  Tom Lounsbury. Humankind certainly has a way of changing the face of the world, especially in the name of progress, and Michigan is a prime example. When Europeans first made their appearance in the Great Lakes State, the southern Lower Peninsula featured more open areas, including prairies and bogs, which was ideal habitat for whitetail deer and elk. The northern Lower Peninsula and Upper Peninsula entailed a very dense, unending old growth forest which allowed very little sunlight to penetrate through. This was an ideal habitat for woodland caribou and moose, and detrimental to … Read More

The coyote found in Michigan is the ultimate survivor during today’s changing times.

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The coyote is no doubt the epitome of being a very adaptable and prolific survivor wherever it is found, which entails quite a continually growing area, even in locations where coyotes have never been documented as ever being there before. Its geographic range now spans the entire North American Continent, with 19 recognized subspecies. Coyotes can now be regularly found as far south as Central America and it was only a matter of time before they even ventured into South America, where they were first spotted beyond the Panama Canal in 2013 … Read More