The Bedded Buck

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Hunting Stories & Adventures

By: Robert Weller. I was having a busy October. Busier than I had wanted it to be that’s for sure. I had intended on taking every weekend off in October and November so that I could get some quality time in the woods, especially during the early archery season here in Michigan. I think I made it out a total of five or six times to sit in the tree stand the entire month of October. To say I was getting frustrated with how my 2023 archery deer season was going would be an understatement. The … Read More

Southern Michigan’s Straight-Wall Cartridge Revolution

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures, Hunting Tips & Techniques

By:  Tom Lounsbury. In June 2014, Michigan’s Natural Resource Commission (NRC) changed what was once known as the “Shotgun Zone” into the “Limited Firearms Zone”, which would allow centerfire rifles chambered for straight-wall rounds .35 caliber or larger, with a minimum case length of 1.16 inches and a maximum case length of 1.80 inches. This law relates to case length only and not overall cartridge length. The law is designed to allow deer hunters in southern Michigan more diversity in firearm selection, as well as better accuracy and to also offer lighter weight rifles featuring … Read More

A Muzzleloader Season “Double”

Robert WellerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

By:  Bob Weller. With muzzleloader season right around the corner, I am reminded of one of my favorite hunting success stories. Many years ago, I had spent a month of Sundays late August into early September driving over to my buddies place with a trailer, loaded with a garden tractor towing a small wagon full of tools and a generator. We were building my first box blind and we were building it on site in a small section of hardwoods on my friend Andy’s Uncle’s property. Andy and I had been hunting together for several … Read More

Drawing Attention To Michigan’s Grouse Woods

Jeff HornHunting Stories & Adventures

By:  Jeff Horn. Perhaps man has an innate desire to answer the most profound questions of our time. “Who killed Kennedy? “Are we alone?”  And, “How the blooming did I miss that grouse?” These questions seem to entangle us with an unending thought often leading to a conclusion:  There are questions we will never understand! Nevertheless, each year around mid-summer our hearts begin to draw attention to the fact that grouse season in MI is not far off. Being from a rural area in Eastern KY, where once grouse was plentiful but now they are … Read More