In retrospect, bear season 2024 was a little unusual as compared to previous years. Conversations with other Outfitters and Guides in Michigan pretty much reveal that this was across the board.
Though we had some success, we didn’t see as much activity on the bear baits, which was likely the result of a season of plenty when it comes to nature’s provision, preparing many a bear for their extended slumber.
Hotter weather that first week made daytime activity infrequent as the bear likely preferred the cooler temps of the evening hours. Who could blame them with their natural attire?
And then, just as suddenly, the weather cooled down, and it would seem they headed into their woodland suites, perhaps a little earlier than recent years, feeling fortified enough to catch some z’s.
*Bear Den Video*
About these 5 star accommodations, wouldn’t it be interesting to take a Zillow tour? Have we got a guide for you. Meet Goran, one of our seasoned guides, whose side trip into some bear real estate gleaned an interesting video-op. He wasn’t sure if there would be sleeping bears present or if they’d be bearly there when he captured this footage. Anyway, we’re sure glad he returned safe and sound. We’re quite certain he would advise the title track to this story, “Let sleeping bears lie.” Disclaimer – Goran is a trained survival expert. Do not attempt this yourself!
One thing is for sure, with nature, you can plan extensively, think you have it all figured out, and then quickly realize that you are NOT in charge. You can improve the chances for success with your preparation, but in the end, nature rules!

WGD’s guide, Goran Deckov, celebrating his own harvest.
Could it be these bear got a swig from a long-abandoned jug of Rip Van Winkle’s special brew? We sure hope not, as he slept for 20 years!
Looking forward to more from the unpredictable world of God’s creation. I’m especially excited as I consider what 2025 will hold for me as I embark on my first ever bear hunt! I’m glad I’ll have an expert by my side.
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