For anyone who is experienced at hunting the mighty whitetail, and successfully draws a Michigan elk permit, you may well be in for a surprise. It’s a totally different animal out there, and we’re not just talking about the species.
Whereas deer hunters settle into a blind in an area plentiful with deer sign, including buck scrapes and rubs, elk hunting mostly requires being on the constant move. Similar to deer, elk are herd animals, grouping together as they migrate to where they can find a new source of food. However, based on their increased nutritional demands, as they are 2 to 3 times the size of a typical whitetail, they move around more, not necessarily remaining in a particular area or home base. This causes widespread disbursement of various herds in their ongoing search for sustenance. Good luck planting yourself in a typical deer blind with hopes of having an elk happen upon you. For this reason, the hunter, or more importantly their guides, are tasked with following elk signs with hopes of finding a vulnerable herd as they pursue a trophy for their paying client.

Sgt. Mark DePew responds to complaints against elk guides and hunters from the DNR office in Gaylord.
Unfortunately, locating these beasts is not as easy as one might think, as the pattern to their whereabouts can be very unpredictable. Hence, recent elk hunters and their guides are faced with a challenging game of hide and seek. Efforts to find the elusive herd have led to something more akin to a road rally than an actual hunt. Designated spotters, in coordination with guides, usually in 4×4 trucks, roam about in search of elk for their hunters. This surge in back roads traffic borders on counter- productivity as herds may be driven even further away due to this unnatural activity within their habitat.
Atlanta is the Elk Capital of Michigan as this is where it all began. Elk are beautiful creatures that are a thrill to observe in nature. There are fenced viewing areas in both Gaylord and Hillman for the less adventurous, which are, of course, off limits to hunters. Yet even in fenced areas, these elk are still quite impressive. So the allure for this majestic creature is understandable. Obtaining an elk permit is likely a once in a lifetime opportunity. In years past, their chances of success were quite good. As the herds thin, whether due to their search for food or by actual elk numbers, hunter success has plummeted.
One can only guess as to the future of elk hunting in Michigan. It can be very difficult for the DNR to determine actual numbers, which is crucial for calculating the number of elk permits to be drawn in a given year.

captive elk in Gaylord, MI
For the more natural or “fair chase” type hunter, the process for elk hunting may turn out to be somewhat of a disappointment as it often feels more like a spectator sport. Some have described this as road hunting without the beer. Therein lies disillusionment for some with this sport, which goes far beyond historical hunting practice.
Those fortunate enough to be drawn for the hunt and score on a coveted elk, however they feel about the antics involved, would do well to have a large freezer and ample space to mount their trophy. Elk burgers are not a commonly available entrée, though they are served at a local Bistro in Atlanta. No matter the outcome of your hunt, the experience is something that will not be soon forgotten.
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