Mautz Paint

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, East Lake Buzz, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By: Charlie Brand. Foreward & Afterward by: Bruce Ter Beek. Foreward – The Other Values Derived From the Outdoors Experience I have spent the last few evenings reading all the stories posted on Wild Game Dynasty’s blog. Many great stories and photos of hunters with their deer, bears, and turkeys but I also was struck by other values shared. Brian Smith’s story “My Buck from Dad’s Blind” posted Feb 2018 and Tom Lounsbury’s story “Take a Kid Hunting-the Future to it All is Here” posted April 2015 give a look into the intangible values the … Read More

The Hunt I Will Never Forget

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By: Luke Allen. On November 9th my friend Mike and I left for the hunting trip of a lifetime.  It was an early morning for me and a long night for Mike He had just gotten off of work at 4am.  We loaded the truck up to head to Missouri.  After about 11 hours of driving, we make it into Missouri.  Mike and I still needed to get our license from the Walmart in Bethany, MO, we get to the counter and tell the man we need to purchase our out-of-state license.  He reply’s I … Read More

The Moment it all Came Together…

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By: Bill Cowling. From the moment of our first hunt, my son’s anticipation of his first deer harvest grew exponentially.  Little did we know, that anticipation would grow over 7 seasons of deer hunting before the moment came to fruition. As a youngster, my son, Dylan, immediately became infatuated with deer hunting.  His first bow, delivered by Santa on his fourth Christmas, launched foam balls across the family room.  The very next morning, ‘ol Dad woke early with the young lad standing and staring at me while still sleeping.  “Dad, when can we go hunting?”  … Read More

Let’s Go Hunting!

Jim KushnerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Jim Kushner. I recently had a conversation with a couple of fellow deer hunters. One is fairly new to deer hunting the other is a long time hunter. Both of them hunt exclusively over bait. The conversation turned to the subject of the DNR announcement that all baiting will be banned starting in 2019 to hopefully help in controlling the spread of CWD. There was comment on what this would do to the deer population, one comment was that the deer population would grow out of hand because of the lack of not only … Read More

What deer hunting is really like

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Written by a thousand deer hunters…. Months of anticipation, planning & preparation. Getting up early, sitting outside all day in the cold wind (yesterday) or the almost rain snow showers (today). Seeing nothing so you move mid day to another spot for a while. When you decide to get a late lunch and dry off a little you find that a deer walked on your footprints in the hour since you made them (today). You gear up and head back out but the wind has changed so you have to make a new plan for … Read More

A Crossroads In The Balance

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears

The beginning of each hunting season is in-and-of-itself a fresh start.  I look at “this time of year” as a chance to change up my success ratio.  A number of years ago I began a quest to do what, perhaps, most hunters do each year…establish a better method for my madness.  Before I began my quest I decided to do what every sophomore philosopher would do … look in the rear view mirror to get a better handle on my journey ahead… In the mid eighties I re-ignited my deer hunting with a new bow … Read More

50 Years Of Black Bear Research

Richard P SmithBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Richard P. Smith. Dr. Lynn Rogers from Ely, Minnesota has spent most of his life studying black bears. Although much of his bear research has been conducted in Minnesota, he got his start in Michigan. Rogers is originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 1967, Rogers got a job at the DNR’s Cusino Wildlife Research Station in Shingleton. The late El Harger was doing bear research out of Cusino at the time. “June 20th this year (2017) will be my 50th anniversary of handling bears,” Rogers said. “The first bear I handled was with El … Read More

Entry, Exit Tactics to Defeat Deer Hunting Pressure

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Courtesy of John Eberhart & Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. The best entry and exit routes can get you away from deer hunting pressure, and put you right in the middle of daylight buck activity. Watch as John shows the tactics that he uses to access heavily pressured land and find big bucks. Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter with John Eberhart Deer & Deer Hunting presents an online hunting show for real-world hunters who chase whitetails on public hunting land and highly pressured private parcels. This series features one of America’s top public-land hunters — … Read More

Deer Hunting Stands: Find the Best Funnels

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Courtesy of John Eberhart & Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. Deer & Deer Hunting presents an online hunting show for real-world hunters who chase whitetails on public land and highly pressured private parcels. This series features one of America’s top public-land hunters — John Eberhart of central Michigan. Eberhart is a master bowhunter who has taken dozens of trophy whitetails over the years while hunting highly pressured lands throughout his home state and other locales. Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter with John Eberhart will air a new episode every Tuesday for 26 weeks on, the DDH Facebook … Read More