By: Tom Lounsbury. The May application period will be here before we know it with a deadline for applying for a Michigan black bear license (and elk license) being June 1st and I’m working on building up my points. I’m not expecting any miracles in getting an elk license but it is my goal is to harvest a Michigan black bear with a handgun, and I’m hoping I have enough points now. It has been a while since I’ve hunted bears in Michigan, although I’ve frequently bear hunted in Ontario, and I am looking … Read More
‘Twas bear season
This winter I had the privilege of chatting with Richard P. Smith, outdoor writer/photographer, just before he headed off to a speaking engagement at an outdoor hunting and fishing show. Most know Richard for being an expert hunter, scoring many book bucks and bears. Because of his time outdoors, I classify him as a bear and deer behavior expert…with a wealth of information. Gary L. Morgan (GLM): After hunting for over 50 years, scoring several book bears, what can you share with our bear hunters…whether a first timer or having hunted for years? Richard P. … Read More
You Ever Get That Feeling…?
The spreadsheet showed a busy schedule just around the corner as several small groups of hunters booked with us for the upcoming season. The other spreadsheet showed what was behind us – year-round scouting results. Our scouting in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula usually begins in early May. You see, we wait until the snow melts in the heavy timber, but not too late to allow for a full blown black fly and mosquito hatch. After ‘the hatch,’ the next tolerable field work depends on weather patterns, usually sometime in the later part of July. I remember … Read More