2023’s Highest Scoring Bears

Richard P SmithBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Hunting Stories & Adventures

Russell Waypa from Menominee shot the highest scoring black bear entered in state records maintained by Commemorative Bucks of Michigan during 2023 seasons and he got it in Menominee County. The bear that Waypa shot on September 24, 2023 had a skull that measured 21 11/16, easily qualifying for a spot in alltime national records kept by the Boone & Crockett Club, too. Black bear skulls must score a minimum of 21 to make the alltime list in national records as opposed to 18 for state records. At least three more bruins taken during 2023 … Read More

When Pigs Fly

Rebecca MorganConservation & Wildlife Management, Hunting Stories & Adventures

For a hunting outfitter pursuing Bobcats, this may actually be a reality.  And as such, it could be the answer to the question: When is Michigan’s bobcat hunting season? Kinda feels like we’re playing jeopardy, doesn’t it?  Let me explain.  Scene one of this phenomenon is set in Falmouth, Michigan at their famous Ebels General Store Meat Processing.  If you’ve never been there, it may be worth the trip.  They have an enormous selection of fresh meats in their store.  Individuals and livestock businesses from all over utilize their well known butchering services. Many hunters … Read More

.41 Great Lakes – a new and truly amazing straight wall cartridge

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Gear Reviews & Recommendations, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle, Hunting News & Updates

When Michigan’s Shotgun Zone became the Limited Firearms Zone in 2014, it would completely change the complexion of deer hunting in southern Michigan, and other midwestern states with shotgun zones would soon follow suit with similar formats. A key feature is that only straight wall cartridges .35 caliber or larger, with a minimum case length of 1.16 inches and maximum case length of 1.80 inches are allowed. This is a straightforward approach which is easy to understand, and I do appreciate it. This would easily allow handgun-related calibers to be used in rifles, and I … Read More

A Very Memorable “Coontest”.

Tom LounsburyA Companion Trap line, Conservation & Wildlife Management

During the first weekend in March last year, the Ubly Fox Hunter’s Club held their first annual “Coontest” in which contestants can enter raccoons they have harvested in any legal manner, such as using dogs, calling or trapping. Bringing in obvious roadkill was not allowed. Seventeen 4-person teams had entered that contest but were in for some challenging conditions when a foot of snow suddenly hit the Thumb area. Just the same, contestants managed to enter 331 raccoons, an amazing feat considering the weather. Early March is a good timeframe because raccoons are usually out … Read More

Nighttime Serenading For Predators – especially coyotes

Tom LounsburyHunting Tips & Techniques

By:  Tom Loundsbury. Predator hunting has become quite popular, with the main star of the event these days being the coyote, an amazingly adaptable (and very prolific) critter which has expanded its range across North America (beginning in the 20th Century) and has recently even ventured beyond the Panama Canal into South America. It is now found in states where coyotes have never been documented before, and can be found in every county of Michigan, even in suburban and urban areas.  I first began seeing coyotes in the Thumb area during the 1980’s, and their … Read More

The coyote found in Michigan is the ultimate survivor during today’s changing times.

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Hunting & Outdoor Lifestyle

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The coyote is no doubt the epitome of being a very adaptable and prolific survivor wherever it is found, which entails quite a continually growing area, even in locations where coyotes have never been documented as ever being there before. Its geographic range now spans the entire North American Continent, with 19 recognized subspecies. Coyotes can now be regularly found as far south as Central America and it was only a matter of time before they even ventured into South America, where they were first spotted beyond the Panama Canal in 2013 … Read More

Wintertime Predator Hunting – The Other Season

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO

By:  Tom Lounsbury. When January arrives, it marks the time for a favorite outdoor pastime of mine. The primary quarry these days for most Michigan hunters is the whitetail deer, which means when all the deer seasons end and winter settles in, many hunters hang it all up until the following fall deer seasons arrive once again. For a growing number of hunters however, there is the “other season”, wintertime predator hunting. In Michigan, predator hunting entails foxes (both red and gray), coyotes, and in the northern part of the state, bobcats. The red fox … Read More

The Ever-Versatile Shotgun

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The shotgun has played an important role throughout the history of firearms. From matchlock and flintlock “fowlers” to today’s wide array, shotguns can be considered as multitask tools because they can handle a wide variety of shot, including heavy duty buckshot, and even solid projectiles for a heavier and very effective “punch”. This was originally a large lead round ball (aka “punkin-ball”), but it was usually not consistently accurate at long range.  All of this would change when Karl M. Foster, who wished to help American hunters put meat on the table … Read More

The blind-siding way for savvy whitetails – Made in Michigan Lucky Hunting Blinds pave the way

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Tom Lounsbury. There is no question that the whitetail deer is the most popular big game animal in North America with a big following of avid hunters. Michigan itself has more than 500,000 deer hunters in the woods by daybreak on November 15, a day I personally believe should be a state holiday. Until the 15th arrives however, I start being real serious about pursuing bucks from Halloween on, with archery tackle, due to the whitetail rut which is kicking in and peaking over that early to mid-November timeframe which I quite literally live … Read More

Red Black Bear Killed In U.P.

Richard P SmithBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Richard P. Smith. Ed Groom from Saline has always been lucky when it comes to hunting. One of the first turkeys he bagged was a smokey gray gobbler and he got a bull moose in Ontario with antlers that had a 58-inch spread. Then, on his first bear hunt ever in the UP during 2020, he shot a black bear with a red coat while hunting with guides Susie and Roy Little. Almost all bears in the state are black in color, but there is an occasional bruin that turns up on which the … Read More