During the first weekend in March last year, the Ubly Fox Hunter’s Club held their first annual “Coontest” in which contestants can enter raccoons they have harvested in any legal manner, such as using dogs, calling or trapping. Bringing in obvious roadkill was not allowed. Seventeen 4-person teams had entered that contest but were in for some challenging conditions when a foot of snow suddenly hit the Thumb area. Just the same, contestants managed to enter 331 raccoons, an amazing feat considering the weather. Early March is a good timeframe because raccoons are usually out … Read More
The Legendary “Trash Panda”
The raccoon gets its name from the Algonquin word “aroughcoune”, meaning “he scratches with his hands”. Raccoons are unique in possessing thumbs (although not opposable) which allow them to gain access to many items, such as taking the lids off garbage cans, hence the nickname “Trash Panda”. Being very adaptable, the raccoon is at home in the woods as well as in urban settings, including even thriving in big cities. Toronto, for example, is known for being the raccoon capital of North America. The development of civilization has been kind to the raccoon, because it … Read More
Handgun Hunting Memories
By: Tom Lounsbury. Certain memories stick with you, no matter how many years pass by. It was in the winter of 1974 I thought I’d buy myself a Christmas present and travelled to Williams Gunsight in Davison. My goal was to purchase a .44 Magnum Ruger Super Blackhawk revolver, which was referred to as the “New Model”, since Ruger had upgraded all the Blackhawk models in 1973 to have a transfer bar system which allowed revolvers to be safely carried fully loaded. For safety reasons the “Old Model” required an empty chamber to be under … Read More
Listen! …for the Call Of The Wild.
By: Jim Kushner. I recently received an e-mail from my friend Gary Morgan. When I opened it I saw a picture of his place at ELO (East Lake Outfitters). There was snow up around the front door and no sign that anyone had been around recently. His message was that he had an urge to go up there and get a fire going in the stove and maybe start a small trap line…asking that I drop what I’m doing and join him. The image took me back to my own cabin in Ontario. I have … Read More
Leave It To Beavers?
The coffee was fresh and smelled great. As I approached the kitchen cupboard to retrieve a cup I heard a commotion outside. It sounded as though an argument was ensuing down the two-track from ELO’s world headquarters. Since my original intent was to grab a full cup of coffee with a dollop of milk I kept my focus. I then stepped onto the front porch to check things out. As soon as the screen door closed behind me I caught a clue. I saw a small gathering about 75 yards away…all looking at three or … Read More
Trapping Came Early
Growing up in southern Michigan meant a lot of things…to me. My Dad worked for a job shop making parts for the automotive industry. Mom cooked and cleaned and went grocery shopping each Friday because it was payday. Our parents took us to a few Tigers games each year…parking in a nearby empty lot because of a torn down building. We also felt we had the best of both worlds…the big city opportunities in an hour, or so drive while living in the middle of “outdoor life”. Our outdoor life took on many meanings but … Read More
Let Our Footprint Be Carefully Planned (w/3 part podcast).
This past fall was a successful and fun filled hunting season being able to build new friendships and developing my skills as a hunter and trapper in Michigan’s Great Upper Peninsula. I’m an Active Duty Coast Guardsmen, and last fall was my first time back in Michigan for the past three years. Stationed in Sault Ste. Marie I could not wait to get back into Beaver Trapping. Going through my traps that were left behind at my parents’ house for the past few years I decided to part with a few, and add some more … Read More