By: Tom Lounsbury. Fire is no doubt a living creature of sorts which requires oxygen and fuel to survive. Primitive humans were able to ascend to the top of the food chain primarily due to being able to create and use fire in a constructive manner. There is no question they knew it could easily become a raging beast in its own near mystical might, whenever fire went out of control. Fire would ease humans out of the stone-age, through the various ages of metallurgy and even industry (steam and you name it) which remains … Read More
Scout Now For Upcoming Fall…& Why!
By: John Eberhart. For each of the three instructional whitetail bowhunting books my son Chris and I wrote, my 4 instructional DVD’s, as well as for hunting articles, from 1998 to date we’ve; researched many whitetail studies, tracked bowhunting license sales for each state, found the absolute land mass for each state in square miles, and researched specific data from Pope & Young statistical summary books to compile factual statistics and there was one very important piece of kill data that remained consistent throughout the years. While Pope & Young entries per licensed hunters vary … Read More
Success Despite Heavy Consequential Hunting Pressure
By: John Eberhart. Midday 10 to 3 Shift Before your hunting plan for the upcoming rut phases is put to bed, consider this. How many times during the rut phases have you planned on sitting until noon or later on morning hunts, and if you did, how many were aborted early due to lack of deer sightings and eventual boredom? Well intended plans can change when boredom sets in and if I stated that scenario has never happened to me, it would be a blatant lie. In November 2011, for the first time in over … Read More
Home Waters – Don’t Be Fooled About Wolves
By: Dennis Smith. At a wolf symposium in Grand Junction (Colorado) in August of 2018, Dr. Valerius Geist stated: “I’m here to tell you why the wolf does not belong in settled landscapes. Wolves do unbelievable damage to wildlife, they do great damage to agriculture, they pose a real threat to public health and safety and they kill humans under now well-known circumstances. Moreover, after all the pain, suffering and depredations that wolves inflict on people in settled landscapes, after the enormous public expenditures to maintain wolves, all the effort and costs are for naught … Read More
Ontario Wolf Hunting In -40 Degrees (f)
By: Nick Grillo. Not many people can say that they have seen a wolf in person while in the wild and many more people have not been lucky enough to have a chance to harvest a wolf. Well last year in January of 2019, I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to go on my first wolf hunt. Where can you wolf hunt? Well obviously for the time being, my home state of Michigan is not an option, so Ontario is the closest, next best option for a chance at a big wolf. I … Read More
Speed Touring during Pre-Season…get to know it now!
by: John Eberhardt. How many times have you heard of or witnessed a nice buck consistently come out and feed in the same location every evening during the summer only to dissipate into thin air just prior to season. In areas with a heavy consequential hunting pressure this vanishing act happens far more frequently than not. Unknowingly, many hunters create this vanishing act with their overzealous pre-season scouting and location preparation. By traipsing through the woods, busting through brush, hanging stands, clearing shooting lanes, and marking entry and exit routes just prior to season, hunters … Read More
All’s Well In Love & War but not necessarily with Michigan Bear Hunting
By: John Buczek. For the past few years, I’ve volunteered as a cook with an outfitter based out of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. This outfitter conducts deer, bear and turkey hunts in both the Lower and Upper Peninsulas. Throughout my time helping this outfitter, I’ve witnessed an issue that I believe affects bear hunting in the state of Michigan. What I’ve both seen and experienced doesn’t just feel like an isolated or local problem, but perhaps something more widespread that needs to be addressed. …The following is … Read More
2019 Challenges Have Turned Into Measures Of Success…the rest of the story!
By: Jim Kushner. Since I was planning to hunt the field behind my house this deer season I decided in late October to put a trail camera out in likely crossings. It was easy enough to drive them out & check them occasionally. The first location produced only one sighting, the doe was so close that all I could see were here ears and the top of her head. I moved it to a different spot and saw a few does. Because of my situation the camera stayed in the same spot until Dec. 1st … Read More
This Should Be My 46th Deer Season!
By: Jim Kushner. This should be my 46th deer season. I started hunting with my Dad & older brother on State land. We stayed for the first week of the firearm deer season in the family camper. It was a tradition to hunt there that started before I was born, that particular spot was always where they set up camp & even though it was on state land & a fairly well traveled dirt road I do not remember there ever being anyone else camping there. Maybe it wasn’t the great spot that we always … Read More
My Hunting Obsession Came Late
By: Adrian Zarantonello. I’ll start this story off with the fact that I’m by no means a hunting expert. I haven’t shot any “Booners” and I’m relatively new to hunting. However, for a newer hunter with limited background and experience, some components of hunting stick out more than others in terms of importance. Although my learning curve was steep, I’ve cultivated a great appreciation for scent control and prevention. I thought I’d share my observations concerning scent control and prevention, and its importance in a successful hunt. My hunting obsession started late; I was really … Read More