Handgun Hunting Memories

Tom LounsburyA Companion Trap line, Bucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Tom Lounsbury. Certain memories stick with you, no matter how many years pass by. It was in the winter of 1974 I thought I’d buy myself a Christmas present and travelled to Williams Gunsight in Davison. My goal was to purchase a .44 Magnum Ruger Super Blackhawk revolver, which was referred to as the “New Model”, since Ruger had upgraded all the Blackhawk models in 1973 to have a transfer bar system which allowed revolvers to be safely carried fully loaded. For safety reasons the “Old Model” required an empty chamber to be under … Read More

Michigan’s Bear Population Fluctuations

Richard P SmithBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Richard P. Smith. During 2018, the DNR estimated there were 13,756 black bears in the state that were at least a year old on September 1, 2017. The estimate for the UP was 10,799 and 2,957 of those were in the northern LP. In 2019, the DNR estimated the state’s bear population was only 12,408 animals at least a year old on September 1, 2018, with 9,761 of those living in the UP and 2,647 residing in the northern LP. In other words, the population declined by 1,348 in one year’s time when the … Read More

Ontario Wolf Hunting In -40 Degrees (f)

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO

By:  Nick Grillo. Not many people can say that they have seen a wolf in person while in the wild and many more people have not been lucky enough to have a chance to harvest a wolf.  Well last year in January of 2019, I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to go on my first wolf hunt. Where can you wolf hunt? Well obviously for the time being, my home state of Michigan is not an option, so Ontario is the closest, next best option for a chance at a big wolf.  I … Read More

The Bear Necessities Of Bilateral Symmetry – Its A Michigan “Thing”

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  John Buczek.  Over 50 years ago my Dad introduced me to one of Michigan’s favorite pastimes – hunting.  Each adventure out of doors was an opportunity for us to share many of life’s lessons. I fondly remember how respectfully he treated other people.  I remember him saying “it takes more energy to treat people poorly, so why do it?”  My outdoor experiences continued in mid-Michigan, which included pheasant hunting in “the thumb”, deer hunting “up north” and eventually an occasional turkey hunt in “God’s country” .  Of course, specific areas of the state provided … Read More

Wintertime Predator Hunting – A Great Outdoor Pastime

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO

By:  Tom Loundsbury. Winters just wouldn’t be the same for me without my annual varmint hunting excursions. The “varmints” (aka predators) I’m referring to are the fox and coyote, and my home Thumb area has its share of foxes (both gray and red) and coyotes to keep an avid varmint hunter occupied for a long winter’s stretch. My preferred method is using various calling techniques, and my most productive daylight timeframes are right at daybreak or near sunset, although I’ve called varmints in at high noon as well (especially when I’ve located fresh tracks). I’ve … Read More

Are We Hunting For A Clean Kill ?

Jim KushnerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By:  Jim Kushner. If you are reading this you are no doubt one of the millions(?) of hunting & fishing enthusiasts who participate and or browse the many Forums available on these subjects and much more. I am far more a browser than a participant in the many forums out there. Typically I am looking for some specific information on a particular firearm or load data etc. I also enjoy reading and seeing the many hunting stories that people post there. Recently I was compelled to start a post of my own after reading countless … Read More

Predator Hunting – especially for coyotes – is a great winter pastime day or night

Tom LounsburyEast Lake Buzz, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By:  Tom Lounsbury. There is no doubt the coyote has become the star in regards to predator hunting in Michigan, and for a good reason because it is a highly prolific, adaptable and efficient predator.   I’ve watched how its numbers have spread throughout our state during the last three decades (not to mention all of North America and now it has also crossed the Panama Canal and is presently invading South America) and it can even do well in an urban environment. A great book, “Master Coyote Hunting” by Michael Huff (available on Amazon for … Read More