Public Hunting Land: 6 Features of a Great Deer Stand

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Courtesy of John Eberhart & Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. Deer & Deer Hunting presents an online hunting show for real-world hunters who chase whitetails on public hunting land and highly pressured private parcels. This series features one of America’s top public-land hunters — John Eberhart of central Michigan. Eberhart is a master bowhunter who has taken dozens of trophy whitetails over the years while hunting highly pressured lands throughout his home state and other locales. Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter with John Eberhart will air a new episode every Tuesday for 26 weeks on, the DDH … Read More

Treestands: Pros & Cons of Climbing Systems

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Courtesy of John Eberhart & Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. The right tree climbing steps are key for staying light and mobile when hunting pressured and public land. With all of the treestands available to hunters, John explains the pros and cons of several climbing systems. Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter with John Eberhart. Season 1. Episode 7. 8 VITAL SAFETY TIPS FOR SETTING UP AND CLIMBING TREESTANDS Deer & Deer Hunting presents an online hunting show for real-world hunters who chase whitetails on public hunting land and highly pressured private parcels. This series features … Read More

Good v. Bad Public Land Deer Habitat

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

Courtesy of John Eberhart & Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. It’s easy to get excited by all of the buck sign in open timber deer habitat. Don’t make that extremely common mistake. John explains what to really look for. Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter with John Eberhart. Deer & Deer Hunting presents an online hunting show for real-world hunters who chase whitetails on public land and highly pressured private parcels. This series features one of America’s top public-land hunters — John Eberhart of central Michigan. Eberhart is a master bowhunter who has taken dozens of … Read More

Gun Clubs Are A Great Way To Share The American Pastime.

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By:  Tom Lounsbury. Shooting for fun or competitively (which is still a lot of fun) is truly an American pastime shared by a whole lot of people of all ages today. When folks have a shared interest, they often get together and form a group to organize and enhance matters, and in the case of firearms these groups become known as shooting clubs, or in my vernacular, gun clubs. One can only imagine how many gun clubs exist from coast to coast across America. I know my Thumb area of Michigan has quite a few, … Read More

Dealing With The Whimsies Of Mother Nature

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Take A Hike!

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The 2017 firearms deer season was real interesting, not to mention somewhat challenging in regards to weather, at least in my Thumb area. Opening morning although a touch breezy was at least dry, but you could sense wet weather was on the way, which arrived around noon with the increased wind intensity of a typhoon. It didn’t take me long to put boots on the ground, because trying to accurately hit the mark from my weaving ladder-stand, would have been similar to trying to shoot from the back of a galloping horse. … Read More

Anticipation For Hunting Season

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By:  David Derusha. It is commonly called ‘fall’…but its really ‘hunting season’.  The leaves are changing colors, dropping from the trees and forming a blanket to cover the green grass.  I live for that moment. I love raking leaves, because I know in the back of my head that it is my favorite time of the year. It is the time I work so hard for year around, the time to go to those tree stands for the first time and hunt that buck you have on trail camera, or shoot that first Ruffed Grouse … Read More

My Buck From Dad’s Blind

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Brian Smith. These trips are not about getting a deer.  It’s about the drive up in the truck; leaving at 4am, having breakfast in a small town diner, hearing stories from Grandpa’s past 70 years of hunting in the UP.  It’s about sharing a week with guys closest to you, but also having 12 hours a day by yourself sitting, waiting for something to move. 17 years ago, I made my first trip to the UP with my Dad and Grandpa.  We stayed in one of the small cabins at the West Shore Resort … Read More

What’s New Is Old … Again?

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears

…reflecting… In today’s society, instant gratification is virtually nonnegotiable. We want it, and we want it now, whether “it” entails grabbing a burger from McDonald’s or speeding down the highway on your way home from work. Simply put, we don’t like to wait around for stuff anymore. If we don’t have to, we won’t. That attitude has trickled down to nearly every aspect of our lives, including deer hunting. Growing up, the U.P. looked to me like a paradigm of the great outdoors. It was brimming with wildlife, a special, almost mythical quality surrounding all … Read More

Wisconsin Example of How Michigan Bears Could be Better Managed

Richard P SmithBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Richard P. Smith. Wisconsin is a perfect example of how Michigan could better manage their bear population. During 2016, Wisconsin issued 11,520 bear licenses to hunters in the state and those hunters registered 4,682 bears, according to a report issued by the Wisconsin DNR. Michigan only had 6,896 bear licenses available in 2016, resulting in 1,636 bruins being registered by hunters. Wisconsin hunters harvested almost three times as many bears as Michigan and almost twice as many hunters (1.7x) had the opportunity to hunt bear in Wisconsin than Michigan even though Michigan has more … Read More

Speak The Language – Grunt Calls Can Work!

Jim KushnerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Jim Kushner. Years ago I was looking through an archery magazine and saw a photo of a very happy hunter posing with a huge buck he had taken. The caption stated that he had called it in during early bow season. I don’t recall the date but I do remember thinking that I had not heard of a grunt call working during anything but the rut & pre-rut.  Sometime later a nice buck walked by my stand in early October. It was clear he was not coming close enough for a shot. I figured … Read More