Old Tyme Hunting Adventures

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO

By:  Tom Lounsbury. I must admit that I have a strong passion for reading, and when it comes to reading material, I have a real soft spot for that relating to history and if it entails matters associated to the outdoors as well so much the better. I came across a real jewel some time back, “The Hunting Expeditions of Oliver Hazard Perry”, based on his hunting diaries from 1836 through 1855. An article in an outdoor magazine brought this literary work to my attention, and I first located it through my local library. After … Read More

Operation Injured Soldier – Disabled veterans healing through hunting

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO

by: Tom Lounsbury Listening to 20 beagles howling at various places in the surrounding woods, accompanied by a crescendo of (shotgun) shots here and there on a brisk winter morning is certainly a very unique sound that was quite frankly, music to my ears. I was observing a recent rabbit hunt for disabled veterans through a program called “Operation Injured Soldier” (OIS) on 400 acres of excellent wildlife habitat owned by Dr. Richard Horsch of Mayville. Personally, I’ve been on a lot of rabbit hunts with beagles in my day (which is quite a few … Read More

The Sweet Flavor Of Spring

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO

   I always look forward to my annual spring pilgrimage to the Battel sugarbush located just a few miles northeast of Cass City (on Ritter Road – a couple miles west of M-53), to stock up on freshly made maple syrup, a very sweet flavor of spring I always yearn for. This usually occurs not long after the first day of spring, because the typical timeframe for gathering sap from tapped maple trees in the Thumb runs from March 1 to April 1. (I thoroughly enjoy the annual Battel Maple Syrup Open House the third … Read More

Enjoying The Journey

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

As the saying goes, “it’s not the destination, but the journey that is most remembered”.  If this is true I hope to be constantly heading in that direction.  It is notoriously where all the fun is…where expectations are held high.  The Land Of Superior has offered that to a lot of folks – including those that live there, eh? As I headed towards one of my hunting spots one morning I was quickly reminded of one simple reason for enjoying the journey.  It was early November and cold, but very picturesque.   No need for ear … Read More

The Best Days Are “Ahead Of Us”

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

The phrase “take a hike” has a connotation that can offend some people.   Well, not in this part of the world!   That phrase, this time of year, can imply lacing up some boots, applying layers and topping your other extremities with warm gloves and the famous Stormy Kromer.   Many people find the best place to “take a hike”  on an  established trail.   Those trails can be old logging roads…commonly referred as two-tracks, or a less traveled side road…a trail that offers the pristine beauty of Nature without the noise pollution of a motorized vehicle.  Well, … Read More

An extraordinary hike!

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

As always, deer camp chores were in abundance.  Getting ready for the upcoming flux of hunters was tugging at my conscious of heading north to take in the fall colors.   Then along spoke my wife, Becky.  “Hey, how about if I tag along with you this trip?”   My response was much like Tim Taylor on the TV series Home Improvement.   Becky sensed my surprise and doubled-down by making arrangements to take a couple days off work…making our excursion a ‘looong weekend’. While we began to pack-up to head north I began my full disclosure to … Read More

Exhilaration on foot

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

It’s exhilarating to be on foot in the woods, with the knowledge that if you head left and follow the trail, you’ll end up in North Dakota.  If you hang a right, you’ll end up in New York. It gives me chills to ponder this type of decision in light of all of the daily choices I make. Imagine wandering off, with only shelter, water and food to worry about as you move across the nation at a pace not often experienced in our modern world.  When you complete a long trail like this in … Read More