Squirrel Dogs…like lightning in a bottle

Tom LounsburyFriends of ELO, Youth Hunts

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The first time that I ever hunted with what I would call a “squirrel dog” was back when I was a kid. I was hunting near the Cass River with a friend the same age as me, and we were using his unique hunting dog that was half beagle and half Border collie. This stocky dog weighed about 30 pounds and looked pretty much like a beagle with the black and white markings of a Border collie. Crossbreds for a fact can often be incredible hunters, and this dog was no exception. … Read More

The Bear Necessities Of Bilateral Symmetry – Its A Michigan “Thing”

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  John Buczek.  Over 50 years ago my Dad introduced me to one of Michigan’s favorite pastimes – hunting.  Each adventure out of doors was an opportunity for us to share many of life’s lessons. I fondly remember how respectfully he treated other people.  I remember him saying “it takes more energy to treat people poorly, so why do it?”  My outdoor experiences continued in mid-Michigan, which included pheasant hunting in “the thumb”, deer hunting “up north” and eventually an occasional turkey hunt in “God’s country” .  Of course, specific areas of the state provided … Read More

All’s Well In Love & War but not necessarily with Michigan Bear Hunting

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  John Buczek. For the past few years, I’ve volunteered as a cook with an outfitter based out of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.  This outfitter conducts deer, bear and turkey hunts in both the Lower and Upper Peninsulas. Throughout my time helping this outfitter, I’ve witnessed an issue that I believe affects bear hunting in the state of Michigan.  What I’ve both seen and experienced doesn’t just feel like an isolated or local problem, but perhaps something more widespread that needs to be addressed.               …The following is … Read More

The 100-inch “Booner”

John EberhartBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  John Eberhardt. Whitetail deer are the most adaptable, widespread, abundant, and sought after game animal in the country and under “normal hunting conditions” a mature whitetail buck is the smartest game animal we have to hunt.  The Boone & Crocket club was established to promote and log record class game animals taken with all weapons and the Pope & Young club was established to promote and log record class animals taken with archery equipment. It takes a 170-inch net typical and a 195-inch net non-typical buck to qualify for the Boone & Crocket record … Read More

2019 Challenges Have Turned Into Measures Of Success…the rest of the story!

Jim KushnerBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO

By:  Jim Kushner. Since I was planning to hunt the field behind my house this deer season I decided in late October to put a trail camera out in likely crossings. It was easy enough to drive them out & check them occasionally. The first location produced only one sighting, the doe was so close that all I could see were here ears and the top of her head. I moved it to a different spot and saw a few does. Because of my situation the camera stayed in the same spot until Dec. 1st … Read More

Dealing With The Whimsies Of Mother Nature

Tom LounsburyBucks n Bears, Friends of ELO, Take A Hike!

By:  Tom Lounsbury. The 2017 firearms deer season was real interesting, not to mention somewhat challenging in regards to weather, at least in my Thumb area. Opening morning although a touch breezy was at least dry, but you could sense wet weather was on the way, which arrived around noon with the increased wind intensity of a typhoon. It didn’t take me long to put boots on the ground, because trying to accurately hit the mark from my weaving ladder-stand, would have been similar to trying to shoot from the back of a galloping horse. … Read More

Confessions Of An Amateur Dog Trainer: A NOT So Tough Nut To Crack

Amy GauthierFriends of ELO

By:  Amy Gauthier Kids today would probably consider my childhood to be a part of the “electronic dark ages”. We didn’t have tablets or cell phones to keep us out of the adults’ hair AND out of trouble. Leave it to my grandparents, though, to find an analog way to achieve this delicate balance. They would gather hickory nuts from under the trees, place them over newspaper at their house, and give us grandkids hammers to have fun extracting the tender morsels.  I remember eagerly cracking open the shells, and the feeling of accomplishment when … Read More

“Our Friend Maggie” (w/podcast)

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO

Each year mid-winter brings a batch of new excitement.  For me, it’s the time for some tweener stuff.  My fall hunts for clients are behind me, but the turkey hunts are calling off in the distance.  So, with that in mind, I reconnect with cross country skiing and most anything with my family…especially, my wife.  Well, when I was invited to spend a day bobcat and coyote hunting not far from home I couldn’t hold back.   I don’t think my wife had the same response…but, it was only ‘a day’, eh.    Besides, it was time … Read More