Someone recently told me that he was upset with the fact that the “Base License” in Michigan’s hunting license process now forces him in reality to purchase a small game license when his only real outdoor interest is deer hunting. He clearly felt he was being forced, in a manner of speaking, to purchase something entirely useless in his regard. My response to him was to go small game hunting and get his money’s worth because he didn’t know what he was missing. Personally I don’t have a problem with the Base License issue and … Read More
Youth Hunting At Its Best!
By: Tom Lounsbury. When summer winds down and begins to transcend into autumn, I automatically think of squirrel hunting, and you can’t beat Michigan for pursuing this unique outdoor pastime. It doesn’t require much traveling anywhere in this state to discover great squirrel hunting opportunities. The problem is, small game hunting on a whole in Michigan, which includes squirrel hunting, is at an all time low these days in regards to hunter participation. This is a fact that utterly amazes me, because I thoroughly enjoy the wonderful essence of early autumn squirrel hunting, and it … Read More
“Plinking” during those dog-days of summer.
By: Tom Lounsbury. I’m no shooting expert, nor will I ever claim to be one. However after sixty-odd years of dedicated shooting, I do consider myself as being a well-seasoned shooter, and needless to say I’m set in my ways. On occasion, I’ve heard expert shooters (and they truly are experts) refer to shouldering a rifle as forming a proper “weld” with the firearm. Well folks, being a farm boy accustomed to using a welder since my youth, being solidly bonded to something involving molten steel and with sparks flying during the process doesn’t appeal … Read More
Plinking – “You’re a Daisy if you do”.
By: Tom Lounsbury. The young girl avoided stepping on downed leaves and twigs and quietly eased up to the tree trunk for steady brace, slowly brushed a wisp of blond hair away from her shooting eye, shouldered her gun, took careful aim at her quarry as she eased off the safety, and then touched the trigger. At the shot, a little green apple lying on the ground several yards away rolled over with a direct hit. The girl re-cocked her little lever-action and shot the apple again to make sure it was down for the … Read More
He timed his whistle perfectly!
By: Jim Kushner. 2014 was my 43rd deer season here in Michigan. I live on 20 acres in northern Mi. and have enjoyed pretty good success deer hunting here in the last 20 years. My own son does not hunt (where did I go wrong) and neither does my younger brother who lives about 40 minutes from here. A few years ago my brother’s son John expressed an interest in deer hunting and I finally convinced him and his Dad to try the youth hunt weekend here at my place. Because of problems with … Read More
Take a Kid Hunting – The future to it all is there.
By: Tom Lounsbury. There is no question that the future of hunting relies on introducing (and mentoring – preferably one on one) kids to this wonderful outdoor pastime. It is the key reason I am a Hunter Education Instructor. I’ve always believed if you are going to talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk. This also relates to why I fully support the special youth hunts as well as lowering (actually removing) the age requirement. I truly appreciate the Mentor Hunting license that allows kids age nine and under to … Read More