Burning the Candle Of Desire – at both ends!

Wild Game DynastySpring Fling

If I thought substituting “she loves me, she loves me not” with “go hunting, go hunting not” would give me another opportunity to go hunting I would’ve use that method back in the day.  My wife and I were at the front end of raising a family, working as much as we could and juggling a schedule to squeeze more time out of the day and into our relationship.  Challenges were among us as they are today but in a much different context.  One thing for certain, my love of the outdoors had not changed … Read More

Remembering A ‘Last Chance Tom’

Wild Game DynastySpring Fling

By:  Michigan Out-Of-Doors Jordan Brown. It doesn’t matter how many hunting seasons I endure, it seems like every year I learn or relearn a valuable lesson. The lesson for the 2014 spring turkey season was pretty simple but one that’s easy to forget, never give up. With the end of season looming, my fiancé, Angela, and I decided to hit the woods for one last evening hunt; hoping to fill her tag before the sun set. The odds were certainly not in our favor on this particular hunt, with above average temperatures and rain in … Read More

Freshwater, no sharks!

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears

It all began with a phone call from a fella in Florida’s swamp land.  He identified himself as Chad, bearing that distinct southern accent that told me: “this guy ain’t from these parts”.  He wanted to know if this was Wild Game Dynasty from Michigan.   I quickly learned he was inquiring on a guided deer hunt that his girlfriend found while searching online.   She apparently found a posting of a fundraising campaign in Michigan.  This fundraiser was put on by a local charity in my home town raising funds for youth activities, which Wild Game … Read More

“Our Friend Maggie” (w/podcast)

Wild Game DynastyFriends of ELO

Each year mid-winter brings a batch of new excitement.  For me, it’s the time for some tweener stuff.  My fall hunts for clients are behind me, but the turkey hunts are calling off in the distance.  So, with that in mind, I reconnect with cross country skiing and most anything with my family…especially, my wife.  Well, when I was invited to spend a day bobcat and coyote hunting not far from home I couldn’t hold back.   I don’t think my wife had the same response…but, it was only ‘a day’, eh.    Besides, it was time … Read More

Enjoying The Journey

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

As the saying goes, “it’s not the destination, but the journey that is most remembered”.  If this is true I hope to be constantly heading in that direction.  It is notoriously where all the fun is…where expectations are held high.  The Land Of Superior has offered that to a lot of folks – including those that live there, eh? As I headed towards one of my hunting spots one morning I was quickly reminded of one simple reason for enjoying the journey.  It was early November and cold, but very picturesque.   No need for ear … Read More

The Best Days Are “Ahead Of Us”

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

The phrase “take a hike” has a connotation that can offend some people.   Well, not in this part of the world!   That phrase, this time of year, can imply lacing up some boots, applying layers and topping your other extremities with warm gloves and the famous Stormy Kromer.   Many people find the best place to “take a hike”  on an  established trail.   Those trails can be old logging roads…commonly referred as two-tracks, or a less traveled side road…a trail that offers the pristine beauty of Nature without the noise pollution of a motorized vehicle.  Well, … Read More

A Fall Bear Hunt At Spring Lake (w/Video)

Wild Game DynastyBucks n Bears

I checked and rechecked my backpack so many times, my wife thought the Velcro and zippers would be wore out. With bow and bait, Gary and I started the mile walk into the Mackinac Wilderness. Our destination was a strategically placed ladder stand, 25 yards from the bait sight. My first contact with ELO and Gary Morgan was from a laptop at the dinner table of a friend in AZ.in early 2014. I remembered Mike Avery speaking of ELO, and thought this was a place to start my quest for the first hunt in the … Read More

An extraordinary hike!

Wild Game DynastyTake A Hike!

As always, deer camp chores were in abundance.  Getting ready for the upcoming flux of hunters was tugging at my conscious of heading north to take in the fall colors.   Then along spoke my wife, Becky.  “Hey, how about if I tag along with you this trip?”   My response was much like Tim Taylor on the TV series Home Improvement.   Becky sensed my surprise and doubled-down by making arrangements to take a couple days off work…making our excursion a ‘looong weekend’. While we began to pack-up to head north I began my full disclosure to … Read More

Leave It To Beavers?

Wild Game DynastyA Companion Trap line

The coffee was fresh and smelled great.  As I approached the kitchen cupboard to retrieve a cup I heard a commotion outside.  It sounded as though an argument was ensuing down the two-track from ELO’s world headquarters.  Since my original intent was to grab a full cup of coffee with a dollop of milk I kept my focus.   I then stepped onto the front porch to check things out.  As soon as the screen door closed behind me I caught a clue.  I saw a small gathering about 75 yards away…all looking at three or … Read More