As always, deer camp chores were in abundance. Getting ready for the upcoming flux of hunters was tugging at my conscious of heading north to take in the fall colors. Then along spoke my wife, Becky. “Hey, how about if I tag along with you this trip?” My response was much like Tim Taylor on the TV series Home Improvement. Becky sensed my surprise and doubled-down by making arrangements to take a couple days off work…making our excursion a ‘looong weekend’. While we began to pack-up to head north I began my full disclosure to … Read More
Leave It To Beavers?
The coffee was fresh and smelled great. As I approached the kitchen cupboard to retrieve a cup I heard a commotion outside. It sounded as though an argument was ensuing down the two-track from ELO’s world headquarters. Since my original intent was to grab a full cup of coffee with a dollop of milk I kept my focus. I then stepped onto the front porch to check things out. As soon as the screen door closed behind me I caught a clue. I saw a small gathering about 75 yards away…all looking at three or … Read More
Exhilaration on foot
It’s exhilarating to be on foot in the woods, with the knowledge that if you head left and follow the trail, you’ll end up in North Dakota. If you hang a right, you’ll end up in New York. It gives me chills to ponder this type of decision in light of all of the daily choices I make. Imagine wandering off, with only shelter, water and food to worry about as you move across the nation at a pace not often experienced in our modern world. When you complete a long trail like this in … Read More
Trapping Came Early
Growing up in southern Michigan meant a lot of things…to me. My Dad worked for a job shop making parts for the automotive industry. Mom cooked and cleaned and went grocery shopping each Friday because it was payday. Our parents took us to a few Tigers games each year…parking in a nearby empty lot because of a torn down building. We also felt we had the best of both worlds…the big city opportunities in an hour, or so drive while living in the middle of “outdoor life”. Our outdoor life took on many meanings but … Read More
The Land Of Superior…as its affectionately called.
In today’s society, instant gratification is virtually nonnegotiable. We want it, and we want it now, whether “it” involves grabbing a burger from McDonald’s or speeding down the highway on your way home from work. Simply put, we don’t like to wait around for stuff anymore. If we don’t have to, we won’t. That attitude has trickled down to nearly every aspect of our lives, including deer hunting. Growing up, the U.P. looked to me like a paradigm of the great outdoors. It was brimming with wildlife, a special, almost mythical quality surrounding all it … Read More
Do it! Hike it!
Spend a day or afternoon on a section of the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) in the 500,000 acre Hiawatha National Forest. The NCT meanders through the Hiawatha “playground” for 82 miles. Pack your daypack, take water, and dress for the weather and season. Stroll along an ancient sand dune ridge. Wander under whispering red pines. Rest on the banks of a gurgling brook, or trudge beside the Niagara Escarpment outcrop. Enjoy the Lake Superior waves lapping the sandy shoreline along the Whitefish National Scenic Byway. Experience the amazing four seasons on the NCT. … Read More
Bear Prepared: Scouting Starts Today
We all know a successful outdoor experience begins with adequate preparation…or, ‘scouting’ as it’s called by most hunters. Scouting for bear hunting season is without exception. My brother and I, (both guides & outfitters) talked about how scouting has changed. Using Google maps, online topography, etc. along side of our traditional ways is now commonplace. Our “pre-scouting” before going out-of-doors is critical, thus, our efforts likely begin months ahead. Synergize our knowledge of the area with new technology and this gives us more than a visual of the area before our boots are on the … Read More
Let Our Footprint Be Carefully Planned (w/3 part podcast).
This past fall was a successful and fun filled hunting season being able to build new friendships and developing my skills as a hunter and trapper in Michigan’s Great Upper Peninsula. I’m an Active Duty Coast Guardsmen, and last fall was my first time back in Michigan for the past three years. Stationed in Sault Ste. Marie I could not wait to get back into Beaver Trapping. Going through my traps that were left behind at my parents’ house for the past few years I decided to part with a few, and add some more … Read More
‘Twas bear season
This winter I had the privilege of chatting with Richard P. Smith, outdoor writer/photographer, just before he headed off to a speaking engagement at an outdoor hunting and fishing show. Most know Richard for being an expert hunter, scoring many book bucks and bears. Because of his time outdoors, I classify him as a bear and deer behavior expert…with a wealth of information. Gary L. Morgan (GLM): After hunting for over 50 years, scoring several book bears, what can you share with our bear hunters…whether a first timer or having hunted for years? Richard P. … Read More